Logan Stout shares why you would be crazy not to be a part of a network marketing company. Join him as he reveals the 2 types of downlines and how to work with them both. Also discover traits of successful people.
Who is Logan Stout?
Logan Stout is a lifelong entrepreneur, former professional athlete and 16-time World Series player and coach. His accomplishments as a business leader, coach, motivational speaker and author come from a desire to break down the barriers that stand between people and the things that they want most in life.
Logan has built 2 successful network marketing businesses where in one, he was the #2 income earner and in the other one, he was the #1 producer!
The most impressive thing was that he did both of those companies part time!
By the age of 25, he had already become a multi millionaire through network marketing.
In his book, “Stout Advice: The Secrets to building yourself, people and teams”, Logan shares his experience building and managing successful teams in business, sports, personal relationships and life.
Logan has been featured in numerous publications such as Philadelphia Life Magazine, The Dallas Morning News, The New York Times and many print and live media outlets. He’s also been on CBS Radio, The Fan, The Ticket, FOX and was named “Man of the Year” by Philadelphia Life Magazine.
Favorite Quote
“Individuals play the game, teams win championships” (Unknown)
Must Read Book
Stout Advice by Logan Stout
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
Recommended Online App
Social Media Platforms
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Third Party Tools
Contact Info
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio