“Everything rises and falls with leadership”
To be successful in network marketing, there are two things you have to be good at; goal setting and leadership.
It is human nature to procrastinate. We are not self-motivated naturally, all we want to do is to rest and sleep all day.
The only time we are motivated is when we are under pressure. We like to do things last minute which is why we must create deadlines and set goals.
One of the reasons why Go DMO prospecting sessions in Purpose Driven Networkers works so well is because of the timer we have. It prevents you from overthinking and overanalyzing.
So create artificial deadlines. Whether your company pays you bi-weekly or monthly, you must have weekly goals.
Saturday is usually a good time to plan out your week and it saves you time and gives you direction when you do that.
There are four steps to follow when you set goals:
- Set small goals that are easily reachable and winnable.
- Set DMO targets. The DMO is the only thing that makes you money.
- Plan out your prospects by writing their names down instead of wasting time trying to figure out who to talk to while doing your DMO.
- Set the volume target, not only your personal production but your team production.
Leadership is so important to be successful in your network marketing business. But you only become a good leader after repeated practices and making so many mistakes.
To grow as a leader, there are three things you can do today:
- Do what scares you
- Go out and make mistakes
- Set the example
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio