When you have a goal in mind, you do everything you can to make it happen. Luana Sicari shows us that when you don’t have a plan B, you have no choice but to be successful. Also, everyone has two choices is life, you either question everything or you simply start doing.
Who is Luana Sicari?
Luana Sicari has over 15 years of MLM experience. She’s been a top producer for many years and currently is the CEO of a new MLM company that just launched this year.
Luana credits her upbringing to her success. She lost both her parents at the age of 22 and that gave her the mental toughness and self discipline to get through life.
She’s also fond of martial arts and has a black belt in Krav Maga. One of the things that drives her is the constant reminder that life is a nonstop lesson.
Favorite Quote
“Through difficulties to the stars”
Must Read Book
Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell
Recommended Online App
Apps about motivation
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Contact Info
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio