Discover John Haremza’s 5 critical secrets for achieving success in network marketing and growing your business effectively.
“That’s what we do in network marketing. We build people. If you focus on building the person, the business will get built as a result.”
John Haremza has a lot to share about network marketing, and he’s back to share important insights into how to be more successful and to discuss to the new edition of his book, Right or Almost Right. To hear our first conversation, please listen to episode 127.
In this episode, John discusses how important it is to remember that network marketing is still a relationship business, built on creating relationships with others. He also shares the paradigm shift he experienced when he learned that he wasn’t just selling the product, it’s also about selling the opportunity of being in the business. In his book, he dives into ways in which sellers are doing things almost right, and how to correct little mistakes to get more results.
Who is John Haremza?
John Haremza is a network marketing veteran with 30 years in the business and earnings in excess of $18 million. He has averaged over $1 million a year for the last 10 years, but his all-time proudest accomplishment has been leading his people to earnings of over $250 million and changing countless lives.
But John came from humble backgrounds…
John lived in a trailer park in Perham, Minnesota and was working as the maintenance manager in a small potato chip factory when he got introduced to MLM. He never sold anything in his life and never had experience and had a severe learning disability.
He’s the author of the book, Right or Almost Right. John’s inspiration for writing the book came after he met many network marketers who struggled despite working very hard.
John Haremza first appeared on MLM Nation on Episode 127.
Best Advice
You need to talk to more people. Sometimes people get weighted down thinking they need to know everything. But there’s nothing out there that can’t be fixed by adding 3-4 more people to work with.
Favorite Quote
“Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you’ll make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune.” Jim Rohn
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Steven P. Meyer
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio