In marketing, there is power in association. When you are at an event, you want to take pictures with powerful people because people will see you differently, because of the power of association.
I did more in one BYOB session than what I did in a whole month. And I did because we were together. Purpose Driven Networkers is all about accountability.
Accountability is extremely important. Because deep down in our DNA we are caveman, cavewoman, the lazy person who wants to relax. We don’t want to be out there working and grinding.
You have to show up to do the income-producing activity. Self-development is important but it does not make you money.
Doing the hard things first at the beginning of the day. Once you get that done early in the morning, you feel good about yourself.
Online prospecting on Facebook is much easier to communicate and with more people much quicker.
One of the ways we meet new people online every day is by using C.L.A.M (Comment, Like, Add and Message) inside Facebook groups or Instagram hashtags and you will have unlimited prospects.
Who Is Joe Hernandez?
Joe Hernandez was born in deep Texas in Hondo and is now living in San Antonio, Texas. Joe is a veteran of US Air Force and Gulf War veteran for 12 years. He is married with two sons and is a professional Mechanic.
Joe was working for the government as a mechanic when he got introduced to network marketing by a girl he was dating at the time. He didn’t get started after the first exposure, but kept going to 30 presentations because his girlfriend told him he could only hang out with her if he attended the presentations.
Joe found out about Simon Chan and MLM Nation after he watched a Facebook live interview with David Pietsch which was on Episode 513.
Best Advice
You have to trust your instinct if you know it’s the right thing to do.
Do the work. We might forget the work, but the work will not forget us. We are sowing the seeds and they will grow.
Contact Information
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio