Matt Ryan explains why network marketing is not just about income but about building long-term wealth and financial security.
“It’s Not Just About Building Amazing Income, It’s About Building Wealth” by Matt Ryan
“You have got to get your feet on the ground and decide it is your life and your choice, and what you are going to do with it.”
People who you look up to, who may be successful, may not support you in your network marketing business.
When that happens, you must ask yourself, does this person have everything I want? If the answer is no, then you know you shouldn’t get your advice from that person.
Network Marketing is worth it for the time you buy back, the return on your time. Every hour that you spend in the business, you are buying back a week of your life. Every month that you spend on your business, you are buying back a year of your life.
Who Is Matt Ryan?
Matt Ryan started his own business as a teenager and his desire not to work for others led him to network marketing in 1997.
He’s been with the same company since 1997 and has made millions in lifetime commissions. In the last 20 years, Matt noticed many top income earners made a lot of money but not necessarily wealth
Today Matt still enjoys a 6 figure residual and spends most of his time helping people build wealth through his unique approach.
Favorite Quote
“If you’ll do today what others won’t, you can have tomorrow what others can’t.” (Unknown)
One Habit
Best Advice
The first two things you need to say in the morning to your wife are “honey I am sorry, it is all my fault.
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio