How to Filter Out the Bad People from Entering Your Life
I recently shared in the Simon Says section of my monthly MLM NATION Insider newsletter the #1 thing that will help distributors attract better prospects and downlines.
The answer is to work on YOU.
You must grow in order to attract better prospects.
The quickest way to become a better and more improved version of YOU is to spend time with people who are BETTER than you and in this blog I'll share with you my People Filter that I use that helps me determine who deserves my time or not.
That’s why I invest in Masterminds and connect with people who are way smarter and more successful than I am.
They pull me up and helps me grow fast.
Self development will be the second way you can grow but the growth will be slower.
Nothing compares to how the right people can change and influence you.
The opposite is also true.
Stay away from negative people!
If you spend time with negative people, you start to think like them, and you will get negative results, never achieving what you want in life.
If you choose to invest your time in developing relationships with positive people, you will be rewarded with an exciting and fulfilling life.
That's why it is so important for you to focus on solutions instead of problems.
If you blame or complain, you will be a magnet and attract negative people and unpleasant situations.
These negative people bring misery upon themselves. The more they complain and focus on their problems, they more miserable and hopeless their lives become.
You Can't Change People
As an entrepreneur, your time is limited, and you must use every second wisely.
Successful business owners understand that they can't change people; people have to change themselves.
The only person that you CAN change is yourself.
As leaders, we must lead by example, and as we work on ourselves, we magically find positive people come into our lives.
The Biggest Waste of Your Time Is Spending Time with the Wrong People
A huge part of success is learning to choose who to let into your life.
Entrepreneurs have neither the time nor energy to deal with negative people that drag us down.
Spending time in the wrong relationships is a huge waste of time. Bad relationships are worse than watching TV, random internet surfing, or even working in a dead-end job because the wrong people are not just Time Thieves, but they drain you mentally and stress you out.
It's simple not worth it.
My People Filter
As I've grown as an entrepreneur, I've developed and refined a filter that determines who I allow into my life.
People must pass this test before I make an effort to develop a relationship with them.
A good example of this type of filtering is dating.
Back in high school, I was happy to date any girl that was attractive or cool. As I got older, I learned that having a happy marriage was about more than being with the prettiest woman.
Because inner beauty was more important, I developed a checklist of things to look for to help me decide whether someone was marriage material or not.
The same thing goes for business and in life.
You must be picky when choosing with whom you invest your time.
Here are a few traits I look for that help me determine whether or not I should work with someone:
1) Negative or Positive
Does this person focus on problems or solutions?
If they are negative and complain or blame, my alarm bells instantly go off.
I do not want negative people in my life who will drag me down into their black hole.
2) Gratitude
Is the person grateful for what he or she has?
If someone does not display gratitude he or she is most likely someone that focuses on the negative. See #1.
Also, if he or she is ungrateful to others, there's a huge chance that they will never be grateful for how I will help them.
3) Giver or Taker
The most successful people in life are Givers. They give, give and give.
They give so much that people love working with them, and that is why they become successful.
It may not make sense, but the more you give, the more you get back.
People who are Takers are never successful in the long term. Why would I want to spend time with sometime like that?
I also never like cheapskates.
Who wants to hang out with people like that?!
Do you know any cheapskate who is financially successful?!
4) Abundance or Scarcity
Does this person focus on Abundance, or do they have a Scarcity mindset?
People who believe in the Law of Abundance are Givers, while those who focus on lack are generally Takers. See #3
5) Integrity
Lastly, the most important thing is Integrity.
Integrity means you do what you say.
Integrity means you are always consistent.
Integrity means how you do something is how you do everything.
There are no exceptions.
If they lie or cheat someone else, tomorrow they may lie or cheat you.
Integrity creates trust and if you can’t trust someone, why have a relationship with them?
Don't Change People; Change the People with Whom You Spend Time
Do the people you spend time with pass my People Filter?
Don't forget that you can't change people, but you can always walk away and change the people with whom you spend time.
If you don't know anyone right now, then go start a new group.
Start your new Positive Club. Simply work on yourself, and start attracting better people in your life.
Use my People Filter daily. It will do wonders.
Don't change people, simply change with whom you spend time.
If you don't know anyone yet, then start a new group today.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio