Network marketing events play a huge role in your success. Discover the type of MLM events and why you must attend at least one a year Nothing Beats Live Network Marketing Events I’m going to share 3 moments in my life that I will never forget. U2 at MSG First one was when I was […]
5 Specific Things You Must Learn Each Day at Convention
Network Marketing Conventions play a very important part of your success and here are 5 things you must do everyday at a MLM convention. Before we go into this important lesson, here are some additional trainings on how to maximize your time spent on training events and especially your company’s annual Convention. How to Prepare, […]
Ed Miguel and Shanne Miguel
Ed and Shanne Miguel Last week I was super excited to meet up with one of my good friends, Ed Miguel and his family. Ed is a Diamond Director and is one of the “founding fathers” of my organization in the Philippines. This post is dedicated to Ed Miguel and his family. I am grateful […]
7 Tips to Generate MLM Leads & Free Network Marketing Leads
MLM Leads or the term, Network Marketing Leads simply means people and you must need a constant supply of new multi level marketing leads if you want to be successful in direct sales. We are in the people business so everyone is a MLM Lead. Adding new people to your list is super important and […]
What to Say When Someone Asks “What is it about?”
Answering the “What is it?” Objection In previous posts you have already learned how to approach your 3 types of prospects and what to say to them: Approaching the S Prospects and What to Say to Them Approaching the O Prospects and What to Say to Them Approaching the W Prospects and What to Say […]
7 Essential Truths about Your MLM Prospects
How to Connect Better with Your MLM Prospects Being a father is been a very educational experience. It’s fascinating to see how babies, even at three months old, display many of the personality traits of adults. As my son has gotten older and gone from infant to toddler, these personality characteristics become more obvious. Understanding […]
The Experience Formula
Learn to Control Your Life with the Experience Formula The older I get, the more I realize that I can control my life. I’m going to introduce to you my Experience Formula, and how you can use it to get more out of life and be happier. We can determine whether we live a happy […]
The People Filter
How to Filter Out the Bad People from Entering Your Life I recently shared in the Simon Says section of my monthly MLM NATION Insider newsletter the #1 thing that will help distributors attract better prospects and downlines. The answer is to work on YOU. You must grow in order to attract better prospects. The […]
Million Dollar Day: If They Can Do It, I Can Do It as Well!
My “Million Dollar Day” I can’t believe it has been only one week since I last wrote to you. Normally time flies by, and it feels like I just wrote. However, this week so much has happened that it feels like it has been a month since we were together and I wrote about My […]
5 Simple Steps to Creativity
How to Unleash Your Creativity Let me share something with you that is ironic. One of the common questions that people ask me is how do I come up with all my ideas for my blogs and trainings. It seems like I have an endless supply of stories that I just pull out of a […]
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