Can you believe that it is almost March already?! How has your year been so far? I’m very thankful that 2012 has been a great year for me.
One of the things that I learned early in my business career that also applies to your personal life is that things never stay down… as long as you continue to work hard and fight against your challenges, things will get better. Nothing stays down forever; everything in life is about ebb and tide. Things go down and then back up and then back down. Just look at the recent stock market; it was way down back in 2008 and now it is back up again… at the same time you can say the same thing about the real estate market; it has gone down but sooner or later it will be back up again.
There are 2 lessons to Learn:
1) The only way you lose and stay down forever is when you quit. As long as you keep going, things will get better.
2) When things are good, realize that they may never stay good forever and you may experience some tough times. But when that happens don’t despair since that is the normal ebb and tide. Just make some minor adjustments and keep going and then things will be okay again.
2012 has been a great year so far only because 2011 was a super tough year. It was a tough year with new business challenges and also new adjustments that I had to make after Ethan was born. But it is only because of those rough moments that I’ve been able to have an amazing 2012.
One of the best things about having a home based business is that you have time flexibility. I have learned and accepted the fact that I could never just “retire early” and sit at a beach and relax all day. Gosh, that would be so boring! I am always looking to expand my business, seek new challenges and start new projects. Asides from my home business, I’m also working on creating my first video tutorial series and also plan to start writing my book soon.
Things have been great in 2012 because I feel that I have made the adjustments and have a more stable daily routine. I’ve learned to create a daily schedule that allows me to enjoy life as a father and at the same time accomplish the projects I’m working on.
– waking up at 3:35 a.m. to work on my creative projects (I love the peace and quiet)
– walking my dog Obi
– taking my son Ethan to the park in the afternoon
– taking Ethan to My Little Gym (baby gym) twice a week
– my daily yoga routine
– my workouts which alternate between lifting, jogging, biking and yoga
Of all these activities, my favorite is taking Ethan to the gym. I just think it is so cool they have baby gyms and every time I take him, I see him progress and get better and better. This past week, I helped Ethan kick his first ball and he laughed so hard every time he kicked the ball. (Ok, he did not really kick it himself but this is the closest thing to kicking. I swing his body and his legs would hit the ball.)
Invaluable father son 1 on 1 time. The best part is when I take him on Tuesday nights because I am the only dad there! 🙂 The rest of the people are all moms and I’m the only lucky dad cause I’m not stuck at work! 🙂
The best way to speed your development and growth is to invest in self development daily. For 2012, I was inspired by Chris Brogan’s blog about how the co-author of his book, Trust Agents, Julien Smith had set a goal to read 1 book a week in 2009. Not only did Julien Smith accomplished the goal but he gained a lot of new ideas on new profitable opportunities. I started reading one book a week and it definitely has sped my development. Not only have I read one book a week but I also have engaged myself in reading blogs and also marketing newsletters and have listened to audio programs daily. The important followup after you have committed the time is to make sure you take action on at least 1 thing that you have learned. Not only do all self made millionaires read a lot but they can pull out any book on their shelf and tell you exactly what action step they took from each book they have read! That is the simplest formula for success!
I have seen my personal growth leap exponentially and I wish you all can make the same commitment to yourself.
Here is an added bonus to self development; when you read so much, you also magically develop into a faster reader. I can read and comprehend a page way faster than I did 6 months ago. A good book that I recommend on speed reading is Breakthrough Rapid Reading by Peter Kump. It’s been around for over 20 years and if you invest the time to go through the exercises, you will be rewarded well. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
Many of you have contacted me and enjoy the lessons that I have included in my past blogs. If you are hungry and want to learn more tips on how to increase your productivity, improve your life and become more successful, I would like to invite you to become a member of Simon Chan Insider’s Circle. For a limited time MEMBERSHIP IS FREE. The only requirement is that you must have a positive attitude. NO Whiners nor Losers allowed!
As a member of Simon Chan Insider’s Circle, you will learn:
– What the wealthy do that you are not doing
– How to increase your productivity
– How to create a foundation for success
– How to increase your productivity
– How to be a better communicator and expand your network
And much more!
To claim your FREE MEMBERSHIP, please click here. I look forward to hearing from you!
Let me know what you are doing for Self Development! Have a great week!
P.S. Remember, that whatever goes down must go back up. So if things have been tough for you recently, all you have to do is keep going and fight through the challenges! Invest in yourself, learn new skills and things will get much better very soon!
Smiley says
Always feel blessed to read your blogs. GODBLESS you more. Keep inspiring! ”,)
Professor Handsome says
Hey there thanks Simon chan for all the words of wisdom, just wish to work with you personally in the future… by the way hope it is ok for you because i quote some of your words and post it to my facebook account, taking chances to share the inspiration… So that others may live……..
weh says
you’re an idiot