I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and the weather is terrible.
The summers are too hot and the winters are freezing cold.
If you live around there, you know what I’m talking about right now!
I always remembered this family vacation during this winter break.
I was 10 and we flew out to Los Angeles to visit my cousins.
What made this trip special wasn’t Disneyland, nor the California beaches, nor how I nearly drowned in their friend’s backyard pool…
It was the orange tree in my cousin’s backyard!
I’ve always loved oranges and orange juice and to be able to go to your backyard and pick oranges and make fresh squeezed OJ was SOOOOOO COOL!
In New York, the only thing you could grow were boring things like tomatoes and a few veggies but never something as cool as oranges.
I made it a goal back then that I would one day own a house with a backyard with an orange tree.
Little did I know, years later, I’m living in a house with a huge orange tree in my backyard.
Vision and Bad MLM Prospects
So what does orange trees have to do with MLM training?
First, it starts with Vision.
Vision and programming your subconscious mind is an important lesson.
It doesn’t matter what challenges I had with bad MLM prospects and the other countless problems I encountered in my MLM journey…
I always had the vision and knew I was going to be successful.
I didn’t know how… but I knew I would.
Even though as a 10 year old I didn’t intend to “create a vision” or “write my goals down” but when I decided I wanted to live in a house with an orange tree, I programmed my subconscious mind to make that happen.
It took over 2 decades but now we have more oranges than we can eat and give away fresh squeezed orange juice all the time to our friends who come over.
What is your Vision for your business?
Oranges and Bad MLM Prospects
Picking oranges is like prospecting.
I only select the good oranges for juicing and leave the other ones on the tree.
That’s how MLM prospecting works.
You sort prospects and don’t convince.
Not every orange is sweet and some are green and not ripe.
I don’t pick those. I leave them on the tree for next time.
That’s like following up with your prospects.
The fortune is in the followup!
But what about prospects who ignore you or are negative?
Learn How to Deal With Bad MLM Prospects
Watch this short 2:47 minute video
Sorting Versus Convincing
What about you?
Are you sorting through your contact list or wasting time convincing?
The biggest mistake MLM distributors make and why they fail in network marketing is because they try to convince everyone to join.
That will make you fail fast!
Cause it’s like trying to make sweet orange juice out of green oranges.
Learn to sort and to sort fast so that you can get to your superstar person on your list.
What To Do Next
This is what top income earners do.
They sort and…
they sort fast!!!
They only spend time presenting to prospects who are open minded and ready to make a change.
This is what I want you to do next.
Determine how many prospects you are going to sort through this week.
Top leaders can sort through 50 people easily in an hour.
How can you go through that many people so fast?!
You can cold call businesses, approach people at a food court, etc.
I’m not saying you have to do that but if you want to approach 50 people in an hour, then do it.
If you want a formula and routine that helped me, I would recommend my MLM Daily Method of Operation (DMO).
So how many prospects are you going to sort through this week?
Think carefully and then comment below to make your commitment.
Simon Chan