Dena Holmes shares how to use 3 way calls and other mindset shifts you must implement to grow your network marketing business
Who is Dena Holmes
Dena Holmes was a former automotive executive selling safety components (seatbelts, airbags, etc) when she got started in network marketing.
She definitely wasn’t an instant success as it took her 13 years before she became successful.
Today, Dena is a full time leader who loves helping people thrive both physically and financially. She credits her success to creating systems for onboarding, training and customer retention.
Favorite Quote
Discipline your disappointments
Recommended Books by Dena Holmes
Consistency Pill by Simon Chan
Making the First Circle Work by Randy Gage
Direct Selling Success: From Amway to Zombies by Randy Gage
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Facebook Groups using the ATM Method (Add Tag Message). Also using 10 minute phone call and 15 minute video
Contact Info
Dena Holmes: Facebook and Instagram
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio