Dino Nedelko shares how to increase your belief in yourself so that you can overcome self doubt in network marketing.
Who is Dino Nedelko?
Dino Nedelko was a sales manager at a car parts store before he discovered netowrk marketing in 2014.
He led one of the fastest growing teams in his company and is a multiple six figure earner.
Dino credits his rapid success in network marketing to his ability to use his sales and leadership skills to fuel his passion to help people.
Dino lives in Slovenia and was inducted to the Network Marketing Hall of Fame in 2019.
Dino Nedelko's Favorite Quote
“There is no journey that is too long if the freedom is the destination.”
Must Read Books
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
How to Recruit Your Way to 6 Figures
Recommended Online App
Travel booking apps
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Tool that is best fit for the prospect
Contact Info
Dino Nedelko on Facebook and Instagram
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio