Why Attend MLM Trainings?
You must pay attention to this post if:
1) You are a new MLM distributor
2) You have difficulty in signing up people or selling products to your prospects
Let’s start off with this question…
What does your MLM business offer?
Doesn’t it provide the opportunity for people to earn extra income?
Now, let me ask you this question:
If you ask 100 random people whether they are interested to earn extra money, how many would say “yes?”
I bet almost everyone of them would say “yes!”
There may be a few weirdos that will tell you “no” but the majority of them would want to earn extra income.
I’m sure if you asked that same question to your friends, they will also say they will want more money.
if everyone wants to make more money
your MLM business provides them the opportunity to make more money
How come you can’t get people to join your MLM organization?
The simple answer is because you are saying or doing things that are turning people off!
In order words, YOU LACK SKILLS.
Sorry to offend you but you don’t have the necessary skills to get people to see the obvious benefits of your business.
And most likely, you are talking too much and sounding like a salesperson…
or worse… an insecure, annoying and unconfident salesperson.
So that’s why you are struggling and making no money.
But what would happened if you had the skills that made your prospects trust you and get them to join?
Wouldn’t that make the business more fun?
And you would earn more money too!
So that is the #1 reason why you need to attend your team’s trainings.
As You Grow, You Attract Better Prospects
You should attend as many MLM trainings, attend courses and read as many books on MLM as possible.
Because not only will these new skills help you sponsor more people but you will grow as a person.
And as you grow you will be pleasantly surprised to see yourself attract higher quality prospects as well.
Your Income Grows Only As Fast As You Grow
Even if you are going to the same trainings over and over again, you should still continue to attend.
Because you can always learn new things by looking at the training from a different perspective.
The first few times you attend, you are probably simply listening for the content to learn the skills.
But once the content becomes familiar to you, you should start looking at the training from another perspective.
Look for new things to learn.
Here are some examples:
1) How does the speaker open the training?
2) How does the speaker get the audience to participate?
3) What props or tools is the speaker using?
4) How did the speaker make sure everyone starts on time?
5) How much time did the speaker spend on each topic
Those are just some of the things you can start studying.
And finally, you should ALWAYS attend the training with the goal that you can do the SAME training in the near future.
Because you want to make money and all leaders that make money can do their own trainings.
So start visualizing yourself doing the training and start studying the small details of what you have to say and do during the training.
Attend Your Next MLM Training
The more you grow, the more your income will grow.
It may not happen immediately but it will happen as long as you apply what you learn.
That’s why you must attend MLM trainings.
If you’re not earning, make sure you are learning!
And sooner or later, you will earn!
Go look at what MLM trainings are available to you and schedule it into your calendar!
Simon Chan
P.S. If you don’t have a good training to attend, you are welcome to take a free trial to my weekly Insider’s Circle
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