Duke Tubtim shares network marketing tips and one of them is that you must be serious about your MLM business and look like you're going somewhere.
He reveals why people will jump on board with you when you look like a train about to leave the station.
Also why you should celebrate quick ‘wins’
Table of Contents
Who is Duke Tubtim?
In just 2 years, Duke Tubtim went from delivering pizzas at the age of 19 to a multiple 7-figure income by the age of 21.
Throughout his career, he became a top earner and million dollar earner of three different companies.
Duke’s earned over $7 million in lifetime commission in MLM and what’s most impressive is that many of the top Gen Y leaders from California, including many who have been featured on MLM Nation, all came from his system.
Duke is now a Level 4 Chairman and a member of his company’s Founders Club, renowned for his tenacity and commitment to his team’s success.
Duke lives with his wife Sheila and their daughter Sophia in Orange County, California.
Listen to Duke Tubtim's Interview
How Duke Tubtim Started in Network Marketing
Duke Tubtim was just a teenager when he first saw network marketing. He noticed other students at his school doing it with their parents and became curious.
At 16, he joined, but he only lasted three days. He was uncoachable and quit too soon.
A year later, his parents told him they could not afford to send him to college. That was when he decided to give network marketing another shot.
This time, he was serious. He committed to learning and started building his business.
Turning Point in Duke Tubtim’s Network Marketing Business
Duke struggled in the beginning. He thought he knew everything and refused to follow the system.
Then, his mentors gave him tough love. They told him he needed to improve his speaking, dressing, and even how he carried himself.
The biggest lesson? If people do not want to be like you, they will not follow you.
That was when everything changed. Duke started working on himself, followed the system, and saw his business take off.
Duke Tubtim’s Worst Moment in Network Marketing
One of Duke’s toughest times was when his company shut down.
He had built a strong business, but poor management caused the company to fail. Overnight, his income was gone.
He doubted if a good company even existed. But his friends encouraged him to try again.
It was not easy. His reputation took a hit, and people hesitated to join him. But he kept going and rebuilt stronger than before.
The Importance of Quick Wins and Leadership
Duke believes in helping new team members get small wins fast.
A quick win can be as simple as setting up an appointment or getting a first sale.
These early victories help people stay motivated and build belief.
He also teaches leadership. Many of today’s top MLM leaders started with Duke’s system and training.
The Million Dollar Question for Duke Tubtim
If Duke had to start all over again with no contacts, he would start by finding a product he loved.
Then, he would go out and meet new people. He knows that 70% of people are looking for opportunity.
He would first go to places where he feels comfortable, like car events. Then, he would expand and talk to anyone open to an opportunity.
Favorite Quote
“Service to many, leads to greatness” (Jim Rohn)
Must Read Book
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
Recommended Online App
No App
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Human touch (Face to face conversation)
Contact Info
Key Lessons from Duke Tubtim
- Follow the system. Success happens when you stay coachable and follow proven steps.
- Help new members win fast. Small victories build belief and keep people engaged.
- Keep going through hard times. Even when things fall apart, those who persist will find success.
Your Action Steps
1. Be coachable. Listen to mentors and follow the system.
2. Help your team get quick wins. Guide new members to their first success fast.
3. Talk to more people. The more conversations you have, the bigger your business will grow.
Success in network marketing and MLM comes from persistence, leadership, and daily action. Keep going, and the results will follow!
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio