Happy Wed!
If you have a question, you can ask me for help
Erin recently asked me
How to use funnels to attract potential customers and business partners?
Great question!
You're going to discover why you should NOT bother to create an online funnel for network marketing
and what you should do instead
—– Lesson of the Day —–
Don't Waste Time Creating a Typical Online Funnel
A typical online funnel goes something like this:
Webpage → Lead (new prospect)
99% of top earners do NOT use a typical online funnel to grow their network marketing business (though they may create one to generate other side income)
1 ) Requires TREMENDOUS amounts of time and tech work
2 ) Needs a full website with content
3 ) Requires landing pages, thank you pages, etc.
4 ) Need extra software and services to host web pages (more money)
5 ) Need to spend advertising to generate traffic to the webpage (even more more money)
Even if you advertise $500 a month on ads,
there is no guarantee that your funnel will work!
and then you'll have to spend more time to fix it
and advertise more to test it out again.
Just say you get a customer or signup,
you generally DO NOT get your investment back from that sale or signup from the amount of ads you spend unless you have a separate product or course to sell
There are exceptions and if you want to know, reply back and ask me
If you want,
go discover 7 reasons why online ads do NOT work
Get Free Leads Instead
Instead of spending all that money and time
do what top leaders do
and get free leads instead on social media.
You can simply use The CLAM Formula to find new contacts everyday.
What Leaders Do That's Much Easier and Works
This is what top leaders do instead
They use social media
and the system looks like this
Post Good Social Media Content → Attracts Prospects (from CLAM)
Not sure how to CLAM?
Watch this live demo
LIVE DEMO – How to CLAM on
Focus on the simple ways to generate leads
and not on funnels nor online advertising
It's way harder than you think
and is the reason why leaders don't do it.
Not to mention…
It's not duplicatable!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Be Yourself
You do NOT need to fake it on social media,
Just be Yourself
People are NOT looking for perfection
They’re looking for people who are genuine and sincere
Share your wins but also your lows
When you talk about your struggles, always share about the lessons you learned, so that you end on a positive note
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
3 Spots Left for 1 on 1 Coaching
How did you like today's edition? Let me know
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio