Eric Worre recently talked about how Gen Z (those under 30) are the fastest growing demographic in network marketing
This generation have seen their parents and grandparents struggle and are more open to opportunities
So how do you attract them especially when you're much older?!
—– Lesson of the Day —–
Here are a few tips to building a younger team
1 ) Get to know Gen Z and what their Problems and Struggles are
What keeps them up at night?
What are the 3 biggest things that stress them out?
What motivates them?
What are they NOT into?
What are things they feel are messed up and needs to change?
No one cares about what you have until you care about them first.
If you don't know the answers to these questions, you can simply spend some time researching online
2 ) Where do Gen Z hang out?
What social media platforms do they use the most?
Where do they hang out?
3 ) Use Social Media to Provide Solutions and Tips to Help Them with Their Problems
You always get paid for the value you give
Find ways to talk about things that will help Gen Z
This can be as simple as creating Tiktok videos that they like
4 ) Find a Person that Can Connect You
Often the key to connecting with someone younger is to be friends with a Gen Z that will introduce you to their friends.
One of the top leaders that I know was in her 60s and could not connect w these “kids” that were 25 and under.
She got her youngest son, who was in his late 20s to go meet these kids and they connected immediately.
Her son was able to signup one kid and that kid ended up indirectly bringing in a team of over 5,000 people once the trust was built
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
The Stuff That Gets Easier
If you want to be successful you have to work on THE DMO everyday
Everyday you have to
3 → Create 3 Pieces of Content
5 → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day
5 → Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation
5 → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To
4 → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
It may not be easy but…
→ Consistency Creates Mastery!
“That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not because the nature of the task has changed, but that our ability to do so has increased.”
You don’t need to be good to get started
but you do need to get STARTED’ Every master was once a disaster but fortunately
→ Consistency Creates Mastery!
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio