Do You Focus on Problems or Solutions?
I go back to Australia two times a year for a 4 city tour where I visit Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Brisbane.
What a beautiful country!
I love it Down Under. Australia is such a beautiful country, and the people are wonderful.
One of the sessions I did was Inside the Mind of a Top MLM Income Earner training. It’s an intense 8-hour session where we dig deep into the hidden beliefs in your subconscious mind that can either attract wealth to your life or sabotage your financial success.
One common challenge that I notice among struggling MLM distributors and entrepreneurs is their focus on the wrong goal.
I’m not talking about their lack of focus and their desire for success.
I’m referring to the things that they think about.
Your Choice: Focus on Problems or Solutions
You can only focus on two things in life.
You either focus on:
1) Problems, or
2) Solutions, and solutions lead to opportunities.
It’s easy to tell what people focus on.
Normally within the first five minutes of a conversation, the person is talking about their problems, or talking about ways they are solving their problems.
What you focus on is very important because what you attract is what you become.
Have you ever noticed that the people who focus on negativity are generally the same ones that constantly get burdened with problems? Similarly, the people who are solution oriented tend to always have things figured out?
If you focus on problems, you will get problems and become a negative person, and negative people never become successful.
If you focus on solutions, you will find answers and become even more positive and energetic. Your solutions will reveal opportunities that were previously hidden from you.
Success is attracted to those who have positive attitudes.
If you are not fully convinced that having a positive attitude is important, just ask yourself, when was the last time you met someone who is negative that became successful?!
Your Focus: Choose Wisely
What do you focus on?
If you are not sure, ask your spouse or a good friend what are the top three things you talk about the most on a daily basis.
Do you tend to complain and dwell on your problems, or are your conversations focused on the solutions that you are creating?
Take a good look at your life this week and make an attitude shift so that you are focusing on the right things.
Do you complain about problems, or do you talk about what could happen?
Be aware of your thoughts because what you focus on is what you ultimately attract.
Success and happiness only goes to those who find solutions, so remember to always focus on solutions and opportunity!
Simon Chan
P.S. Every week I meet with motivated and positive distributors who are making things happen. Click here if you want to check it out.