Megan George shares social media tips and her Tiktok routine that helped her get 100 customers in a month for her network marketing business
Who is Megan George?
Before Megan George got started in network marketing, she was working 60 hours a week for Corporate America and was burnt out from the long hours.
Today she’s a 6 figure earner with a team of over 1800 customers and 300 team members.
Megan credits her success to her consistency, grit and how she shows up on social media every single day.
Favorite Quote
The harder the fall, the bigger the bounce
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Video inside Facebook Groups using ATM (Add Tag Message) strategy
Contact Info
Megan George on Facebook and Instagram and Tiktok
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio