MLM Follow Ups are very important part of network marketing success and is one of the 5 income producing activities you must do everyday.
Recently someone went through the network marketing follow up scripts and asked:
“Follow up and closing without sounding like a pest”
You're going to discover different ways to do MLM follow up without being annoying and losing your friends
Why You Never Stop MLM Follow Ups
Prospecting is about TIMING and finding the right person at the right time so that's why the Fortune is in the Followup!
You keep following up and you'll eventually get your prospect to join or buy when the timing is right.
Here are 5 ways to do MLM Followup without being annoying
1 ) Frequency and Schedule of the MLM Follow up
You become annoying if you MLM follow up TOO FREQUENTLY at a short time frame
For example.
Don't followup 10 times in 5 days!
nor do you send 5 text messages within 24 hours!
Good MLM Follow Up schedule is
- Followup once after 24 hours
- Followup 2 more times in next week
If they still don't respond, then you followup with them every 6 months
2 ) Follow Up with a Take Away
If they don't respond after the 3rd time, you can give a simple takeaway such as
“You must be really busy because I haven't heard back from you. No worries. You're not the person we're looking for now. I wish you best of luck and will keep you updated”
3 ) How to MLM Follow up with Wins and Updates
Share a win or update!
The wins and updates do NOT need to necessarily come from you.
It can come from your team
The more specific and relatable the Update is, the better
- Ask them if they know anyone that wants to earn an extra $200 – $500 a month
Here's an example of this works
“Things have been really fun and I'm growing a lot in my business. In fact, our team had over 10 promotions last month including this stay at home mom that reminded me of you.
Do you know anyone that would be interested to earn an extra $200 to $500 a month?”
4 ) Indirect MLM Follow ups Through Social Media
All top leaders use social media for network marketing and posting everyday is very important and is another one of the 5 income producing activities.
One of the reasons why posting online is important is because it's a effective way to MLM follow up is to consistently post wins and updates about your business on social media
When people see your consistency, they will notice and may become interested.
There are different ways to come up with social media post ideas and one of the easiest type of content to post is to teach what you've learned. You can also get
Remember that prospecting is about timing.
You never know who is watching your posts so make sure you post consistently.
If you lack ideas on what to post, here's how to get a Content Calendar that will get your 5 interested prospects
5 ) Following Up with those Said “No”
One of the most important people you have to do MLM follow up is with are people you've presented in the past.
They may have said “No” to you before, but they may be open now because the timing is right.
Here's a proven script you can use
I know you weren't interested in my business. But it’s been awesome and we've been able to help many people
Do you know anyone that wants to earn an extra $200 – $500 a month?
Watch the video below for more examples on how to use it
Remember that if someone doesn't reply back doesn't mean they're not interested.
The timing just isn't right and that's why following up is so important.
More MLM Follow Up Scripts
Here are additional network marketing follow up scripts you can use including one that you can send to people who ghost you.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio