By Nancy On
Because I had NO experience in Network Marketing when I launched my business, I knew I had to learn the skills necessary to be successful, AND I had to make major mindset shifts.
1. No Quitting Mentality
I decided early on in my business that I was doing it for life regardless of the outcome. The fact that I decided and made this promise to myself is the reason why I’ve come this far. Because quitting was out of the picture, no amount of challenges could get me to stop. And because I didn’t give myself this “escape route,” it ensured that as long as I kept building up my business, it would be inevitable that I would become successful one day.
2. I Never Saw My Business as an Obligation
I was grateful everyday to have the opportunity to build my Network Marketing business. I never saw the time spent as an obligation or a burden. I hear people complain all the time, and I think they are crazy. They should be happy to have the chance in the first place. I went to all the trainings, events, and presentations, feeling like it was a privilege to even have events to attend. I never complained about the time spent to build my business or the time taken away from my “fun” or “social life.” To me, this time was all an investment and not a sacrifice.
3. I Didn’t Let What My Peers Thought or Said About Me Stop Me from Pursuing the Business
It didn’t take long to be labeled as the girl who was in “X” company. Many of my friends had opinions about it, and their thoughts weren’t always kind. Some people, who I thought would never judge me, placed judgment on me before I even showed them what I was doing. Yes, it hurt my feelings, but NO, it did not stop me from doing what I believed. I never spent more than a few minutes being upset before I would move on and get back to work. Time is money, and I knew being a young entrepreneur was not “normal.” So I expected people to be shocked. I knew that in due time, they would understand. Now six-and-a-half years later, all those friends that misunderstood me are trying to make money, trying to do something different than what they’ve been doing. Many of them have actually apologized for not understanding why I was working so hard; now they finally “get it.”
4. I Care About the PEOPLE on My Team
I learned from Richard Branson that a business is not a building or a company; it is a group of PEOPLE. With that in mind, I knew that the way I treated my PEOPLE would reflect the way my business would run. I always tried to add in that extra touch whenever I did something. Whether it’s a text, a greeting card, or a message on Facebook, I always tried to show my people, regardless of their rank, that I noticed them and that I cared. I never treated people differently according to ranks. Because I felt everyone had the potential to be the next Diamond, I treated everyone as nicely as possible. I’ve run my business with this mindset since the first day, and I won’t stop now.
5. Lastly, I Love to Learn and I See the VALUE of Having a Mentor
No matter how high I go in the company, I will never be too proud to learn more. There is always going to be someone more successful, and that is why I continue to learn from others. The moment I start thinking I’ve “got this thing” is when I will start descending. I don’t ever want to lose the fascination I have for this business, so I will always seek knowledge that I can apply to my life and share it with my team. That culture has permeated my organization, and they all share a similar hunger for new knowledge. Having a mentor is important because solving all your challenges on your own can easily be misleading. I like to hear different opinions, especially from people who have been successful, and then I use what I feel is applicable to help my team members. I understand that in building this business there are many “right” ways to do it because everyone’s business is different. However, by using all the tools and information that are available, you have assistance in making the most accurate, “right” decisions/ choices for your business.
Nancy is a Diamond Director, and the youngest ever to reach that rank in her company. She is the founder of Team Era, and can be reached at