Closing in network marketing and getting someone to be a customer or join your MLM team can be one of the hardest things to do especially if you don't come from a sales background.
You're going to get the best MLM closing scripts and 7 network marketing closing tips
1 ) Be the Leader and Close with Confidence
2 ) The Pre-Close with Your Social Media Profile and Content Authority
3 ) Sell the Idea They Can Do It During the Presentation
4 ) Closing Process and What To Do in a Short Selling Cycle
5 ) Use Stories During the Presentation and Especially At the End
6 ) Get Prospects to Convince Themselves by Asking Questions
7 ) Use Proven Network Marketing Closing Scripts
You can read and save this Guide for future reference but here's a quick takeaway:
My best MLM closing tip for you is this:
How to do a perfect closing in network marketing is about asking the right questions that'll get your prospect feel they're making the decision and not you convincing them to do something they don't want to do.
You're selling Dreams and if you're not confident about your ability or in your belief in network marketing, then you'll never be able to close people in network marketing.
Outline: How to Close More People in Network Marketing
7 Closing Tips for Network Marketing Presentations
1️⃣ ) Be the Leader and Close with Confidence
The MOST important closing technique in network marketing is to close with CONFIDENCE.
You must be confident when you ask them to join or buy or else none of the MLM closing scripts will work.
People like to follow and buy from confident people.
Would you trust a restaurant server if you asked them what's the best dish and they didn't answer confidently?
3 Rules to Closing in Network Marketing
1 ) Have High Energy
Your ENERGY and how you say something is just as important as what you say when you're closing in network marketing.
One of the quickest ways to get better with your closing skills in network marketing is to record yourself in your presentation and then listen to how you sound when you ask them to buy.
If you're currently struggling to close, chances are you don't sound confident.
There's a famous network marketing saying…
Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.
You don’t need to know everything.
You just need to believe in what you’re offering and have tons of enthusiasm and energy when you're closing.
2 ) First Person Who Talks Loses After a Closing Question
We will talk more about importance of asking questions to closing prospects in network marketing but a Golden Rule is for asking questions is:
Whoever talks first after a closing questions loses.
Even if it means 30 seconds of uncomfortable silence… don't talk!
1 ) You gave a prospect a way out
Your prospect didn't need to answer a tough question and you bailed them out. You lost your chance to close.
2 ) Reveals your insecurity and lack of confidence
If you think back to people that you know in life who are really confident, they're good at asking questions and then pause and let the silence linger.
On the contrary,
Think of a bad liar. If you ask them a question, they often talk and talk and talk and the more they talk, the more you can see that they're lying.
3) More Info Does NOT Lead to Sales
More information does NOT lead to sales.
Your prospect doesn't need more information. They need your CONFIDENCE and CONVICTION.
More information just overwhelms and confuses and closing in network marketing hard.
Keep things simple
Your confidence and conviction is what they want and that's why your consistency is so important to network marketing success.
2️⃣ ) The Pre-Close: Closing in Network Marketing Starts Once Someone Knows You
This is what I call the “Pre Close” because closing in network marketing actually starts BEFORE you approach a prospect or send out the initial invite message
How You Show Up in Life Affects Your Closing Success
How you show up offline and online plays a huge role in whether you'll get someone to buy or not.
Here's a good closing tip.
Who would you buy from?!
Most of you wouldn't even talk to the guy on the right and definitely would NOT buy from him even if he had the best product or was using the best MLM closing script!
The product doesn't even matter!
How you show up matters in real life and also on your social media profiles!
Closing in Network Marketing Starts with Your Social Media Profile
Before someone decides to join you, they’ll check your social media.
What will they see?
Are you someone they feel they know, like and trust or do you seem like a salesperson?
Your profile and what you post online should establish authority and make prospects feel you are someone worth joining.
How to Pre Close People on Social Media
📌 Show Your Change – Share how your life has improved because of your business.
📌 Demonstrate Commitment – Post regularly about your business journey. Your commitment will increase trust
📌 Provide Value – Teach, inspire, or entertain with your content.
If someone sees you as someone who consistently provides value online, they’ll already trust you before you even invite them.
That makes closing in MLM so much easier.
3️⃣ ) Sell the Idea They Can Do It During the Presentation
People don’t just buy a business. They buy the belief that they can succeed in network marketing.
Every prospect has 3 Doubts that prevents you from being successful in closing in MLM
1 ) Is this for real?
2 ) Can I do this?
3 ) Will you help me?
These 3 doubts must be addressed in your presentation or else you will never be able to close your prospect.
Most people spend time addressing “Is this for real” when they talk company credibility and product testimonials but the main objection that ruins the close is “Can I do this?”
One of the best ways to overcome these objections is to give stories and testimonials in your presentation of people in their same situation who have become successful.
How to Sell Them on the Idea That They Can Do It:
✔ Use Simple Systems
Show that your business is simple and easy to do.
That starts with how you how you use social media and your entire prospecting process from the moment you reach out to them to how you present and close.
✔ Leverage Tools
Use 3 way text / calls and company tools so that they know they don't need to be the expert.
✔ Share Social Proof
Secret to how you close more people in network marketing is by sharing testimonials of people just like your prospect who have been successful.
For example, if your prospect is a young student still in university, make sure you include testimonials of college students who have become successful in network marketing.
The more they feel they can do it, they easier it will be to close them.
4️⃣ ) Step by Step Process on How to Close Prospects in Network Marketing
Before we talk about the step by step process you have to understand that network marketing has a short selling cycle.
What is a Selling Cycle?
Selling Cycle means how long it takes for someone to buy something after they first thought or learned about it.
Things with Long Selling Cycles
For i.e. the selling cycle for buying a house is a few months to a year.
When someone first shops for a home it usually takes them a few months before they find the house and decide on which one to buy.
Another example of a long selling cycle is buying a traditional franchise.
It would take you months to a year before you finally decide which franchise to buy.
When the selling cycle is long, you don't need to pressure the person to buy right away and in fact it can be a major turn off since the person needs the time to think and evaluate.
Things with a Medium Selling Cycle
The selling cycle for renting a house or buying a car is much shorter.
That may take only a few days
Things with a Short Selling Cycle
Decide on which restaurant to go for dinner is a super short selling cycle.
If you're walking downtown and hungry and a restaurant has a hostess and tables set up outside, they have a super short selling cycle and should do everything to get you to come inside or else you'll walk past it and never come back.
Network Marketing has a Super Short Selling Cycle
Even though network marketing is a business, MLM has a super short selling cycle.
People join because of the excitement and emotions and if you don't close your prospects ASAP, they will go home and the excitement is lost and they will almost never join.
Life distractions will come up and it will make your prospect lose interest.
An example could be work obligations or family stuff that will make the prospect lose interest because they don't think they have the time to do the business.
It's the “Can I do this Doubt?”, that will prevent you from closing them.
There are dozens of other scenarios (like a negative friend who doesn't like MLM or rejection, etc.) that will prevent you from closing your prospect.
You Must Close and Get Them to Buy Something!!!
Don't let your prospect go home to think about it because you'll lose them forever.
Plus do you really think they will stay up all night to think about it?!
A great rule on how to close more prospects in network marketing is that you can NOT end the presentation without some type of sale!
Either get them to join or buy a product buy they must buy something or else you'll lose them and it's going to be very hard to close them later on.
Step by Step MLM Closing Process
This is how to do a perfect closing in network marketing once the presentation ends.
1️⃣ Ask for the Close
Closing techniques in network marketing are actually very simple.
Don't let your prospect check their phone or go anywhere otherwise they will get distracted and their minds will be elsewhere and they've lost the excitement about the business
You just need to ask!
And ask
and ask!
“Can I get you started today?”
2️⃣ If They Hesitate, Then Find Out Why
Do you have any questions or concerns before I get you going?
Make sure you are confident when you close!
3️⃣ Answer Their Objection
Go check out the Ultimate Guide to Objection Handling if you're not sure how to answer your prospect's questions.
4️⃣ Close Again
Once you've answered the question, then close again.
“Now that we’ve handled that, can I get you started?”
5️⃣ Repeat Up to 5 Times
Most people need multiple asks before they say yes.
Most network marketers fail because they never ask for the close and if they do, they only ask once!
Always ask, and ask multiple times!
Learn Different Ways to Ask
Another closing technique in network marketing is to ask in different ways,
Just don't keep saying “Do you wanna join?” over and over again (even though that's still better that not asking at all!)
Here are some different ways to ask;
Can I get you going now?
Can I officially welcome you to our team?
Would you like to get started with the lower package or the higher package?
5️⃣ ) MLM Closing Tip: Use Stories and Especially at the End of the Presentation
Facts tell, but stories sell.
Here's the reason why…
People Buy Because of Emotion and Justify It with Logic
Think of the last time you purchased something like new clothes, a car or a new phone.
We buy because of emotion and then we justify it with logic.
For example, you buy a new pair of shoes because you like it (emotions) and then you justify it later by saying you got a great deal.
The same applies to MLM.
If you want to close more people in network marketing, make sure you sell with emotions (dreams and lifestyle) and not lead talking about boring facts about the company, product ingredients, how the pay plan works, etc.
Use stories and testimonials to make your opportunity real and emotional.
These are really powerful especially if you choose stories of people that are similar to your prospect so that your prospect can relate to them.
When To Use Stories In Your Presentation
📖 Open the Presentation with Your Story
Start the presentation with your story.
You maybe excited about sharing your business but your prospect's mind maybe somewhere else.
Make sure you share your story and refresh their memory on why they're attending and what they're about to hear.
Get them excited and this will help you close them at the end.
Share Multiple Testimonials Throughout the Presentation
Include multiple testimonials throughout the presentation.
The best way to overcoming objections is to prevent them from coming up by answering those objections with testimonials.
For example, if your prospect is a busy mom and you want want to prevent the “No Time” objection from coming up, make sure you add a testimonial of a busy mom who became successful.
📖 At the End of the Presentation
This is the most important time because your prospect gets discouraged after they learn about how much it costs to get started.
When they find out they have to pay, they lose the excitement.
You have to emotionally get them excited again and a closing technique is to share stories immediately after you talk about the price to get started.
Get them emotionally excited and they will sign up.
6️⃣ ) Get Prospects to Convince Themselves by Asking Questions
Here are some of the best MLM closing tips and it has to get your prospect to convince themselves!
The Reason Why Your Prospects Are Skeptical and Won't Listen to You
Closing prospects in network marketing can be hard because the person knows that you want them to join because you'll make money!
And that's why Prospects are skeptical.
They may doubt our intentions, question our claims, or simply tune us out.
How can we overcome skepticism and get our prospects to convince themselves to join or buy?
From the prospect's perspective, “Whatever you say is a lie” because you're just trying to make money off of me.
But the good news is…
Whatever the prospect says to himself is true.
How does this work?!
The answer lies in asking questions.
How to Use Questions to Get Rid of Skepticism and Doubts
By guiding your prospects to think critically and take ownership of their decision-making, you can help them overcome doubts and make a confident decision.
Instead of making them feel that you are trying to convince them, you ask open ended questions that make them feel they have ownership in the decision.
Examples of Open-Ended Questions are any questions that start with Who, What, Where, Why and How.
Examples of Open Ended Questions During the Close
Instead of telling prospects what they should do or why they need our products or services, we can guide them to convince themselves by asking certain questions.
Here are some examples of how to use questions to close your prospects
How will this _____?
Instead of saying “This business will help you spend more time with your family”
When you say that, they don't believe you because you're saying it and they know you're trying to sell them.
Instead, ask them,
“How will this business help you spend more time with your family”
When the prospect answers this question, they will convince themselves and also has ownership in that decision.
Instead of making them feel you convinced them, they will feel that they came to the conclusion themselves.
Second Income Stream?!
Instead of telling prospects the importance of having another stream of income, ask them
Why would you want a second income stream?
This allows them to think and generate their own reasons.
Why Do It?
When someone is hesitant to join a business, ask them,
Why they would want to do it if they have a good job already.
This creates a sense of disagreement in their mind, and they will start to generate their own reasons for joining.
Part time or Full Time?
Instead of telling prospects they can do this part-time or full-time, ask them,
“With your commitment and dedication, do you see yourself doing this part-time or full-time?”
This allows them to think about their personal situation and come to their own conclusion.
How Will It Help You?
Instead of telling prospects about the benefits of your product or service, ask them how it would benefit them.
For example,
“If you were to try this product, how would it help you get healthier?”
This approach allows them to start thinking about the benefits and how they can apply them to their own lives.
People Like to Have Ownership of Their Decisions
This is one of the best MLM closing tips because while your prospect doesn't like to be told what to do, they love to take ownership of their decision.
By using asking questions that guide the prospect to the sale, you can help your prospects become more invested in the process and increase your chances of closing the sale or recruiting a team member.
Remember, the art of persuasion and closing prospects in network marketing is about guiding people to convince themselves.
How to do a perfect closing in network marketing is about asking the right questions that get your prospect to feel they're making the decision and not you trying to convince them.
Here's a video that goes more into detail about this
When you ask the right questions, prospects are more likely to convince themselves and take ownership of their decision.
Remember this rule.
According to the prospect, whatever you say is a lie. But whatever they say is true
So instead of telling them, ask them questions so they will say what you wanted to tell them.
Action Step: How to Close and Get Prospects to Convince Themselves
To implement this network marketing closing strategy, you need to list out the benefits of your products and services.
Here are your Action Steps
1 ) Make a list of at least 20 benefits of your business, products, and services.
2 ) Practice putting these benefits into questions so that the prospect will say what you wanted to say. Most of these questions can be created by simply asking, How? or Why? Or What If?
Remember the key is to ask questions so that your prospect will convince themselves.
Example 1
Benefit: The business will give you more time with your family
Question: How will this business give you more time with family?
Another Example
Benefit: This business will give you more time.
Question: “If you had an extra 10 hours a week, what would you do with that time?”
Once you have 20 questions down, you can start asking questions to help your prospects take ownership of the decision-making process.
7️⃣ ) Use Proven Network Marketing Closing Scripts
Here are network marketing closing examples and MLM closing scripts that you can use to get more sales.
Secret to Making the Closes Work
The key is to ask the question and then shut up and just let the prospect answer it.
Don't make the beginner mistake of talking after you asked the question.
The rule is the first person who talks loses because when you talk after a question that reveals you're not confident and you also let your prospect off the hook without answering the question.
It will make future closing attempts super hard.
“The 6 Figure Close” as a Network Marketing Closing Example
My favorite close is the 6 Figure Close and it applies what you just learned about asking questions to get your prospect to convince themselves.
I call it the 6 Figure Close because I used it to signup a friend
and he became a 6 figure earner so I named it after him 🙂
After your prospect has watched the presentation and you’ve answered their questions you ask them:
1) Do you want to make more money?
2) Do you see how [insert your company name] can help you make more money?
3) When is the best time for you to start making more money?
The obvious answer is “now” and then you confidently say:
“Great! Let’s help you get started now”
and you sign the person up.
You can apply this 6 Figure Close to product sales as well by adjusting the questions to products instead of the business.
The key is to ask these 3 questions in order and to KEEP QUIET after you ask them.
Make sure you don’t talk nor help the prospect out.
The FIRST person that talks after asking a Closing Question always loses!
Chances are your prospect will answer first 2 questions quickly but may pause a little after the third question.
Just let the silence linger.
Make sure you do NOT TALK or give more info.
More info doesn’t make people buy.
Closing is about getting your prospect to make an emotional decision and you just asked him a great question to take action so don’t bail him out.
Prospects buy your CONFIDENCE
and you should be confident that your business is great enough that your prospect doesn’t need anymore info.
They just need to get started!
The 1 – 10 Scale Close
“On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in getting started?”
If they say 7 or higher, ask:
“What can I do to help you get to a 10?”
This reveals their real objection so will answer it and then close again
The Yes Close
“Are you interested in making more money?”
(Prospect: Yes.)
“Do you see how this business can help you make more money?”
(Prospect: Yes.)
“When do you want to start making more money?”
(Prospect: Now.)
“Great! Let’s get you started.”
The Payment Close
“Would you like to use Visa or Mastercard?”
Simple, direct, and effective. Using these scripts removes hesitation and makes the decision process smooth.
The Dream Close
This is another one of my favorite MLM Closing tips and you need to ask these series of questions immediately after your presentation is over because your prospect is excited.
1) What did you like best about what you have seen?
Let your prospect answer.
2) Do you see yourself making little money or BIG money in this business?
Most people will say Big money.
3) How much is BIG money to you?
Let them say the amount.
4) What would you do with that money?
This answer reveals their dream and what they really want in life.
5) At your current job, how long will it take for you to earn that amount of money?
They will say “forever” and “never will happen” and at this moment, your prospect has convince themselves on why they should get started.
Don't talk anymore and just ask for the payment details and sign them up!
3️⃣ Bonus Tips to Closing in Network Marketing
Here are some additional MLM closing tips.
1 ) Using the Takeaway
Using the Takeaway is a closing strategy that I used often.
It's simply letting the prospect know that if your prospect doesn't join right now, they will lose out on something.
What they lose out can be a discount, incentive or even downlines and customers.
Watch this video on Closing Prospects Network Marketing:
2 ) Incentives
The last MLM closing tip is that you can also offer limited time incentives to close prospects in network marketing.
These can be a discount, free trip, etc. and if they hesitate initially then you can follow up with them a few days later and offer it again but this time with a take away.
3 ) The Dream Versus the Obstacles / Objections
Closing in network marketing is about selling the Dream and getting your prospect to see that the Dream is real.
If you struggle to close it's because your prospect sees the objections as more real than the Dream.
If you're struggling right now, this video will be helpful
Your lack of energy or confidence is one of the biggest factors that your prospect won't join and that's why the first MLM closing tip is that you must be the Leader and Close with Confidence.
As long as the obstacles and objections are bigger than the Dream, your prospect will never join.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio