Joy V. asked me
How to reply back when someone asks you “How much are you making?”
This is one of the most dreaded questions…
But fortunately you'll going to discover today that
you can recruit people even if you're new and haven't made much money yet.
Read on!
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Answer Back to “How much are you making?”
If you're new or struggling
this is one of the most feared questions that you hope your prospect never aks you.
But after today's lesson
you'll be able to convince people to join regardless of whether you're earning or not.
Here are a few main points
You Don't Need to Have Success to Convince People to Join
Every top earner started just like you and had no success
it's not how much you're making that's going to convince people
It's about your confidence and posture in your vision
No Amount of Money is a Good Answer
Don't worry about what you say
because it will be too low or too high.
For example, even if you're earning $10k a month and you reply back “$10k a month”
your prospect will think:
a) You're lying
b) If your prospect is an entrepreneur, doctor, lawyer or someone who is already earning that amount,
they may think $10k a month is TOO LOW for the amount of work you do
Understand that no amount is really a good answer
It's not the amount that will convince your prospect.
This is what this question is really about…
A Test of Your Confidence and Posture
This question is challenging your confidence and posture
It's not what you say that matters but how you answer back!
Leaders always reply back confidently even if they're not making much
This is what to say…
Script on How to Reply Back
Tell them you don't reveal the amount but your business is doing great
“I don’t tell anyone how much I make but all I can say is the business is awesome and I’m doing amazing. How much do you want to earn?”
You reply back confidently and then you end with a question towards them.
** There is a rule that the one who asks a question always controls the conversation **
If you say that script confidently,
your prospect will respect you and won't bring it up again
The Key is Confidence and Excitement
You must be confident when you reply back
record yourself saying that a few times and ask yourself where you sound confident or not.
Confidence is key!!
In fact,
If you're prospecting with someone on messenger or text and they ask how much you're making?
go answer via an audio or video message
Show your confidence and excitement and people will respect whatever you say
How to Recruit Someone If You Haven't Had Success Yet
If you have mental blocks because you're stuck
the video below will be helpful
it's 95% of success
Remember that this question is a test of your confidence and posture
so excitement and confidence is key!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Every Discipline Counts!!
Success is about having the right habits and disciplines
If you’re struggling to stay consistent
Don’t go for zero to hero
Instead, start small
→ Just take one small step
but make sure you do it everyday and establish that discipline
→ That discipline will affect other disciplines.
and before you know it
you’ll be consistent in other parts of your life as well
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
The Most Hands On Mastermind Coaching in Network Marketing
MLM Nation Mastermind is a unique mastermind for network marketers who want to get to the next level faster
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio