Happy Wednesday!
I'm excited today because I have my hot seat coaching call with our Mastermind members again.
One of my highlights last week was hearing
how Jodie, who was never really active on social media before September got 2 customers from Facebook! 🙂
I love small little wins
because consistent small wins eventually lead to big wins!
if you're intersted,
we have a few small spots left in our Mastermind for next week's call.
Let me know if you're interested
Now onto today's question and lesson
Ursula recently asked me
How to ask for help from your upline's upline?
One of the keys to success is to get help from different people
and today you're going to learn how to get someone to help you
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Get Someone to Be a Mentor
It's always good to have different mentors because there's never just one person that can help you with everything.
Your first “mentor” is probably your upline or whoever sponsored you.
But before you know it,
You'll need to find someone else especially if:
a) Your sponsor isn't very active
b) You have outgrown your upline
c) Your upline is too busy
The key to success is to find other mentors
and these people can be crossline or an upline's upline.
Here are a few things you must do if you want others to help you
1 ) Visualize and Ask, Ask and Ask!
Never talk yourself out of asking someone for help.
Instead of giving reasons why that person won't help you
come up with reasons why they will help you!
Just ask, ask and ask!
As my mentor Steve once taught me,
if you don't A-S-K, you'll never G-E-T
2 ) Provide Value
Everyone is busy so why should someone help you?
The only way they'll help you is if you provide value to them
Ask yourself what ways can you help them?
Don't just think about the pay plan (if you do well, they'll make more money)
You have to add value in more ways
Here are some examples
– Help them setup the Zoom and do things to make them less busy
– Offer to train and motivate their teams
– Help setup registration and the projector at meetings
– Help them with event planning
Those are just some ideas
3 ) Make Sure You Take Action On What They Teach You
Just like how I was so fulfilled to see these Mastermind members had success last week
it's also very discouraging and demotivating when someone doesn't take action on what you taught them
so make sure you take action on the advice your mentor gives you
otherwise they'll stop working with you
4 ) Get An Accountability Partner
You also don't always need someone more successful than you.
It's important to have an accountability partner and someone at your level that can offer support and help
Here are more tips on accountability
Always Provide Value
Remember that everyone is busy
if you want someone to help you
make sure you always provide value!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
It Seems Impossible Until…
Have a big project or big task?
It always seems impossible until you get it done❗️
Focus on small step each day
and do it everyday
and before you know it
you’ll accomplish what others say was impossible❗️
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
The Most Hands On Mastermind Coaching in Network Marketing
MLM Nation Mastermind is a group for network marketers who want to get to the next level faster
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio