How do you do under pressure?
This past Monday I took my 2 younger boys to a baseball tryout an hour away.
I get them to do as many tryouts as possible
even if we don't plan on playing for that team
because I want them to get used to performing under pressure.
one did well and the other one was mentally not focused.
oh well…
They know that they either “win” or “learn”
and my youngest one definitely learned a humbling lesson of what happens when you don't get enough sleep the night before!
2023 is almost over and it's time to finish the year on a high note
If you're stuck, you can asked me for help
Shermine L asked me recently…
How to get your downlines to stay active for the long term?
Let's talk about retention and duplication today
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Create Retention and Duplication
Before we talk about how to train a new distributor and get your team going,
you first have to understand that there are only 4 reasons why your team will stay.
4 Keys to Retention and Not Quitting
1 ) They Make Money
Most people don’t make much money but that doesn’t mean they will quit.
You can still keep them if you implement these 3 other reasons
2 ) They Like the Products / Service
People may not build but they’ll stay on as customers and do a little if they like the products so make sure they consume and like what your company offers
3 ) The Relationships
People stay for the friendships and community
4 ) The Fulfillment
This is often overlooked.
We all grow as people because of the business
and the fulfillment of knowing that you’re getting better each day is strong enough to keep people in.
People who make money may still leave if they feel unfulfilled
Leaders often make these common mistakes that make downlines quit
Remember that money is only a part of the solution.
Getting them to feel fulfilled plays a big part to retention
How To Keep Your Team Active and Engaged
1) Create Fulfillment by Rewarding Activity and Not Just Results
Make them feel they are doing something good and valuable
You can achieve this by celebrating Activity instead of just Results
Make sure you don’t make these common mistakes and push your team too hard and take away fulfillment or else they will quit
2 ) Make It Fun
People like fun.
People will leave once the business is no longer fun and especially if they’re not getting results
3 ) Celebrate Small Wins
Small wins don’t need to be results.
It can be simply attending a training…
or registering for an event
doing their first presentation, etc.
Again, make sure you celebrate Activity and not just Results
How to Train Someone New
If you just signed up a new distributor
make sure you get them going by teaching them how to invite.
Don’t burden and overwhelm them with too much training
Keep things simple
Watch this video below on the best way to train someone new
Remember if there’s only one rule…
It’s to keep things simple and fun!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
“Where there is no vision, the people perish”
(Proverbs 29:18)
Not only will the people perish without vision
YOU will also perish❗️
because the 1st person you lead is yourself.
What’s your Vision?!
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio