Stuck in your business?
You can asked me for help
Nina asked me yesterday…
How do I overcome being shy? I almost always lose my heart when it comes to talk to people about my opportunity
You're going to learn 5 tips that'll help you overcome your shyness and fear of rejection
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Increase Your Belief in the Products and Get Customers
Here are 5 simple tips that'll help you overcome your shyness
1 ) Focus On Helping Others Instead of Yourself
You create fear when you think of what others will think of you
Shift the focus on helping OTHERS instead of yourself!
Stop letting your ego and pride stop you from helping someone that needs it
2 ) Focus on Collecting a Decision Instead of Making a Sale
The 1st big mistake that network marketing distributors make in prospecting
is they approach their contact list with the goal to sponsor everyone.
Did I just say that you are NOT supposed to go out and try to sponsor everyone that you know?!
A proper Invite is NOT to convince everyone you know to join your business.
Such unrealistic expectations only lead to disappointment and also makes you annoying and too salesly to your contacts.
It makes you nervous, desperate and it turns off your prospects.
Your goal should be to simply let them know about your business
It's NOT to convince them nor make a sale
You're out there to collect decisions
3 ) You Can Turn It “On” and “Off”
I'm shy and introverted as well.
What I've learned is that you can be shy and still be successful.
It's just a matter of turning things “on” and “off”
You have a switch
that you can “turn on” and be outgoing when you prospect
and then you can “turn it back off” after you're done with prospecting
4 ) Increase Your Belief In Your Products and Company
If you really believe that you're helping someone
then you won't let shyness hold you back.
If your neighbor's backyard was on fire,
would you let your shyness prevent you from knocking the door and telling your. neighbor?
5 ) Apply the 10 Steps to The Rejection Killer
I wrote about this in The Consistency Pill
A major source of fear comes from your fear of rejection
You can use the 10 Steps to the Rejection Killer to help you stay consistent
Key Points:
– Focus on helping others instead of yourself
– Your goal is to let them know about your business and collect a decision.
It's NOT to convince them or make a sale
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Nobody Has Gone Broke Doing This
Always find ways to provide value to your community
Be a Giver today
Whether it’s in person
or share something on social media
but always be a Giver
→ “Nobody has ever gone broke from giving”
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
The Most Hands On Mastermind Coaching in Network Marketing
MLM Nation Mastermind is a unique mastermind for network marketers who want to get to the next level faster
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio