Learn quick and powerful strategies to overcome fear and anxiety in under 3 seconds and boost your confidence in network marketing. MLM Nation podcast
How many of you have been afraid to approach a prospect?
You're not sure how to approach them or maybe you're facing fear and anxiety.
Today I'm going to show you how to overcome those fears!
Have you ever had a prospect that you wanted to approach (ie at a grocery store) and you feel like THAT person would be perfect… then all of a sudden that person walks away never to be seen again and you lost an opportunity.
Maybe you're at an event! You see a big speaker standing there and you realize your opportunity to go get a picture with them but before you work up the courage they walk away and again you miss an opportunity.
In this short video I reveal to you a powerful and effective to never miss another opportunity again!
If you liked this training, then you'll definitely want to join me on my webinar I'm hosting called:
See you there!
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio