Perhaps you are using Facebook, or another social media platform to grow your business and wondered…
How do you create valuable posts that make people want to engage, follow, or even share your content?
Now, why would you want engaging content that people follow and share?
Simply because that is how you grow a following of people that trust you, and want to be a part of your cause in some way- either by joining, buying directly or referring someone.
So, how can you do that, right?
Before you implement any content creation tips…
There are three areas that your content MUST capture!
These three areas are what the blog refers to as the psychology behind content.
Because it is not just any type of content that attracts and moves people towards an action…
To provide content that engages and people want to follow, you have to be precise and purposeful.
Remember, we are in the profession of humans, and human connections!
That is why surrounding your content around these next three areas will help you be more precise and impactful…
The 3 Areas to Creating Valuable Social Media Posts
1. Value To Your Target Audience
A marketing fundamental is knowing who your target audience is.
You should not be throwing random content onto social media and hoping it will attract the right people to you…
That simply will not work.
So part of the key to creating valuable content, is to focus on the people paying attention to you.
The question now is: Who do you want to attract?
YOU need to define that!
The more specific it is, the better.
These are the questions you must be asking yourself:
-Who do you want to attract?
-What age are they?
-What is their gender?
-What are their interests?
Maybe you want to attract spouses who are professionally small business owners, or, women in their 30s that are into fitness, etc.
Point is, when you know this, it makes it much easier on what type of content you're gonna create.
Being clear in this area also allows you to focus on engaging, exchanging value with this niche of people- rather than being all over the place trying too hard for your content to fit everyone.
So once you know who your target audience is…
Your content should surround around making your target audience feel good.
2. Branding Yourself
The second thing is, your personal brand.
Now, this is DIFFERENT than branding your company…
Because people are buying you first before they buy into your company or products.
If you only branded your company, it’s harder to connect with and trust you if that’s all that you share…
That is why defining your personal brand is important!
You define your personal brand by asking yourself and answering:
What do you want to be known for?
What are 10 words to describe your personal brand?
For example, with MLM Nation, our audience is network marketing distributors.
Everyone needs some inspiration.
And it’s always through a certain brand-
No BS, very direct MLM training.
We talk about leadership, inviting, duplication, and use certain type of words.
We have the power to inspire and motivate someone every day.
Connect your brand with your content:
Create posts that are relevant to your brand and tell a story!
So when you post on things, you have to make sure they're consistent with how you describe yourself.
It may not be perfect all the time, but make sure it is consistent overall.
How do you come up with these ideas?
A lot of times the best time is when you're doing your hiking or something in an outside environment.
Give yourself 10-15 minutes of personal time, with no distractions to brainstorm on 10 creative ideas…
So, how clear are you in your personal branding?
3. Get Personal
You have to be comfortable sharing personal things.
People just don't want business, they want personal.
One of the easiest ways to get people to trust you is by you sharing something personal about yourself.
If someone shares a part of their family to you, or opened up on their worst story, and this is a prospecting tip too…
This basically tells you ‘I trust you’!
It's the law of reciprocity.
If you show trust to them, they’re probably going to trust you and respect you back for it.
When people trust you, they follow and listen to what you have to share.
With social media it is no different!
It's just a different channel, outlet, but it's the same thing.
If someone isn’t really going to open up, then basically social media is not going to work, because at the end of the day…
When you talk about your business, they are not buying the company, nor the products.
They are buying you.
Connect personal stories with engagement:
When you share personal content on a social media platform, make sure it is something that sparks questions and conversations with your audience.
You do that for two reasons…
One, it becomes a party within your posts- videos, images, etc…
Meaning it will bring people back every time you post something new because it is valuable and interesting.
Two, it tells Facebook you are an interesting person, and they will show it more.
Otherwise, your social media becomes a ghost town.
The Next Step
Those are the three key areas that will set you up to create valuable content:
-Provide value to your target audience
-Be clear and consistent with your personal brand
-Make your content personal
Did you know about these 3 areas?
Comment below on how this was helpful, and what you will implement today.
God Bless,
Simon Chan
PS. In case you haven't heard, a few spots are still available in our MLM Nation Mastermind. This is a tight knit group of entrepreneurs that get the daily ACCOUNTABILITY they need to make those goals and dreams a reality… Because hey, sometimes being an entrepreneur can feel like the loneliest job in the world. If the page is still online at THIS LINK, then there's still a spot left! Go here to apply🙂
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio