Stefania Lo Gatto got involved in network marketing after going through a hard divorce and built a global business in over 23 countries.
This was one of first network marketing podcasts ever back in 2015 and Stefania's message is simple and still true to this day.
She says to keep on reading the top books and focus on your personal growth because as you grow, your income will grow and you'll eventually achieve network marketing success.
Stefania Lo Gatto reveals why you will never know the success you could have had if you quit. Also how your WHY will see you through your challenges
Who is Stefania Lo Gatto?
Stefania Lo Gatto was a mother with 3 boys and unfortunately found herself one day as a single mom after going through a hard divorce.
She got involved in network marketing as a way to get her life back on track and also to create a better future for her sons.
Within 3 years Stefania was able to build a global business in over 23 countries including the USA, Italy, Dubai, Germany and many more.
Stefania is originally from Italy but currently lives in Dubai.
She's currently married to another top leader, Danien Feier who also featured on Episode 137 by MLM Nation.
Favorite Quote
“Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life”
Must Read Book
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Recommended Prospecting Tool
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio