So tell me…
What scares you about prospecting?
Is it the fear of what your friends, prospects will say?
The nervousness and anxiety you get by just thinking “how should I approach them”?
Or perhaps…
It’s the thought that you'll burn through ‘your friends list’, and then what right?
Or maybe… Just maybe…
You feel you already talked to all the people you know!
Well, two thing are for sure here…
One, is that you are not alone on this.
These fears happen to us all.
And two, YOU CAN get through this roadblock.
Through this post, you will learn 3 truths that can break down these fears and change how you prospect online and offline.
3 Truths to MLM Prospecting
Truth #1
You know who you know:
You know who you know on your contact list.
That’s an obvious one.
These are people who are in your phone’s contacts, in your social media friend list, etc.
People that you are aware of that you know.
Well, you gotta contact them…
Now, did that thought just make you a bit nervous?
If you've been nervous in contacting your list, here's the thing.
The one deadly mistakes that people make is that they feel that they have to try and convince everyone!
Let’s start off with a fundamental concept here…
(Which you probably have heard me say it 1,000,000 times in the course of my trainings, live videos, etc.)
And that is:
The purpose of the contact list is not to convince people to join your business.
Your goal is to let them know you have a business.
Isn’t that such a relief?
To know and be able to say that to yourself!
If you think you're going to convince, that makes you nervous because you’re attaching yourself to the result.
REMOVE yourself from that result.
Instead, focus on the activity.
Your goal is to let them know you have a business, not try to convince everyone to join…
If you get over that, you will feel a lot better.
You get to release and let go of that nervousness, that anxiety.
Ok, now that we’ve covered this 1,000,001 times;)…
Here’s a simple, applicable tip you can implement when approaching your list either online or offline:
You can practice on people.
What does that mean?
Literally what it sounds like!
You have a friend, or someone you know…
So, you can talk to your friend and say:
“Hey, you don't need to buy anything, but can I practice on you? Can I practice my approach to my prospects on you?”
See what they say, okay?
And you just go from there…
Approach and invite.
When you practice on people, a lot of times, believe it or not, some of them may actually join to support you after they see how much hard work you're going through.
They can see that it’s more than just a ‘get rich quick’, that this is something serious.
Truth #2
You do not know who they know, that knows you:
Okay, that may sound like a tongue twister.
But here’s what that means…
So, you have this friend..
You know Bruno, and Bruno has a friend named Mars that knows of you.
But, you don’t know that friend Mars directly, right?
So this, again, is a great source for referrals!
Because you and Mars may not be close, you're definitely not close friends or even friends.
Maybe acquaintances.
Or they just know of you…
But, although you don’t that person directly, they know you through your friend (in this case Bruno) whom you do know.
How does this help you?
Because you probably didn’t try and convince Bruno to buy or join, you just simply let him know you have a business…
It helps in these two ways:
- Bruno can REFER YOU, introduce you to that person that knows you but you don’t really know yet…
- It adds to your list– whether online or offline, for each friend you know, that’s actually 5+ more extraordinary people you have the opportunity to get connected with.
That's why you have to reach out to people.
Reach out to ‘those that you know you know’- your friend list.
Your contact list is actually a lot, lot bigger than you think!
Truth #3
You don't know who knows you:
And this is more through social media.
You don't know who knows you.
This is a big one.
Many don’t realize this is a huge untapped market!
You don't know who knows you.
So, meaning like, there will be Facebook friends out there, people out there, who are not your Facebook friends, but they know of you.
And this is the part where you have to really be about- online marketing authority.
The consistent content of the value you produce in the market place.
Always remember that.
You always get paid for the value you give to the market place.
If you’re giving value, people will come.
So, you don’t know who does know you…
That makes you think about your Facebook contact list very differently.
Whether you are aware of it or not, people are always watching!
And these people can know of you in various ways-
I.e- a Facebook live you made and was shared, or some valuable post you made that someone came across, etc.
The point is…
You never know who is watching your content.
Even if someone didn’t like or comment on it…
It could be something you share on a given day that resonates with them in some way.
Never go on a day without providing value…
So, every day, here's a goal:
If you’ve learned something, take what you learned and you share…
One of the best ways to get good, and become an authority, is to take what you learn and share it.
Now It's Time For Action
Whether online or offline, how have you approached prospecting?
If these truths gave you new insight, go and apply these lessons right away!
Comment below how this was helpful to you… Talk to you soon:)
God Bless,
Simon Chan
PS. If you're ready to take action and have a lasting breakthrough in your business, see how Purpose Driven Networkers has helped members attract more prospects, and close more efficiently.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio