Five Questions You Must Ask Yourself as the New Year Approaches
Happy Holidays!
I hope you’re having a great time with your friends and loved ones during this special time of year.
Most people take the week off to relax, but since you read this blog, I know you are the type of person that is already thinking ahead to 2014!
If you are like most of my blog readers, you are reflecting back on how your year went and preparing to make 2014 the best year of your life.
You already know the benefits of proper goal setting, instead of just having the typical New Year’s Resolutions, and you may even already have your New Year’s goals written down!
So if you are the super motivated…
I’m going to give you a headstart to help make massive things happen in 2014.
Here are five questions that you must ask yourself today before January 1st arrives.
1) What Is One Skill or Area You Need to Improve?
Be honest with yourself.
Look back at 2013. Look at all the mistakes you made, or when things didn’t turn out the way you wanted.
When you made mistakes, or if you didn’t achieve your goals, was it because of a weakness in a certain skill?
Ask yourself this question, “What is one skill you need to improve for 2014?”
Is this one skill that will give you dramatically different results even if everything else stays the same?
When I started my MLM business over ten years ago, the one skill that held me back was that I had zero selling skills. I was a poor communicator, and didn’t know how to open a conversation with a prospect. If by chance I got into a decent conversation, I was clueless about how to transition and get them interested in my business opportunity. Even if a person wanted to buy, I was scared, and didn’t know the proper way to “ask for the sale” and get the person’s money!
So back to you…
What is that one skill that is holding you back?
Don’t list out ten skills. List just one skill, just that ONE.
What is it?
2) How Can You Improve on That Skill?
What is your self-development plan to improve on that skill?
Most people graduate from school and never incorporate another learning program in their lives.
It doesn’t need to be official, but you need to keep learning!
You just need a plan, and it can be simply as creating a reading list of things to read.
When I realized the one skill that held me back, which made me earn $0 in my first two months in MLM, I went to Amazon and created a Wish List of every sales book that they sold. I made it a goal to read every one of them. My first book was Zig Ziglar’s “Selling 101,” and today, I have that book in a “shrine” since it got me started on my path to success.
In 2013, I’ve put together all the sales skills that I’ve ever learned into a convenient 14-hour training called my S.O.W. SPONSORING SYSTEM.
Anyway, back to you.
What is YOUR plan to get better in 2014?
If you don’t know how to make a good plan, even a weekly training program such as my Insider’s Circle can be helpful to you.
3) How Do You Plan to Apply What You Learn?
Reading the books, listening to audios, and going to training events is not the complete package.
You are missing the most important piece because you must put what you learn into action!
So the next question is, what is the application method you will use to apply what you learn?
Back to my example from when I started…
The only way I could apply the sales skills I learned was to actually talk to people!
I created a routine where I would talk to a minimum of five new prospects, combined with five follow up calls every day. That was how I created my 5-5-3 routine.
It didn’t matter what happened that day, but I would NOT sleep until I accomplished my 5-5-3 routine.
Some of the people I talked to were personal contacts, some were strangers I met in everyday life. I even spoke to some leads that I purchased.
It didn’t matter where these people came from, but I had to do my 5-5-3.
Having a consistent flow of people to talk to each day allowed me to apply and test out new strategies from the books I read each day.
4) What Targets Will You Set to Determine Your Success
Just like athletes would get bored with sports quickly if they didn’t keep score, you will get bored in your drive for success if you don’t have a scoreboard.
How do you plan to keep score?
What targets will you set to track how you are doing?
In order to get better, you must track!
Tom Peters, the famous business author, once said a very simple but profound statement, “What doesn’t get measured can’t be improved.”
When I started prospecting, I would track three points every day:
1) How many phone calls (actual dials) I made,
2) How many new people I talked to–people I’d never approached about the business before, and
3) How many enrollments or sales I made.
When I first started, it took me 42 people to get my first sale!
All the rejection was painful, but I knew that the business was just a numbers game.
The cool thing is that, if you track, you can see your progress.
It took me 42 conversations to get my first sale, but I got three more by the time I reached 100.
By the end of the year, I found myself being able to sponsor or sell a product to at least one out of every ten random people to whom I talked.
I knew I was getting better. 🙂
How do YOU plan to track?
5) What Is Your Immediate Action Step?
This last question is the most important.
Now that you have your plan in place, what is the immediate next thing you need to do to get started?
Once you determine this, get started NOW!
Returning back to the person I was over ten years ago…
My immediate action plan was to stick to a daily prospecting routine where, everyday from 7pm EST to 9pm EST, I would do nothing else but contact people and make my 5-5-3 daily goal.
At the time I was so sick of where I was in my business.
I had invested over $1,700 and earned nothing back, but I knew the business worked.
I was so angry at myself that I didn’t even wait until New Year’s to get started.
I started my routine two to three days before the New Year even started!
I Promise You Will Get Results in 30 Days
I guarantee you will see results if you stick to your game plan for over 30 days.
You must be consistent, and you you must give it time.
It takes 30 days because it takes time for our minds to learn.
When I started my plan, I didn’t get results right away, and I was tempted to quit.
However, I kept going, and then magically, I started to see results two weeks into my routine.
Trust me. Give it 30 days, and you will see amazing changes in whatever goal you set.
Get Started Now!
Stop what you are doing and get started now!
Don’t be like the rest of the people out there who wait for the last minute to scurry and come up with some random goals.
Since you read my blogs I know you are a super motivated person and want to be successful.
Go through the five questions now and please share with the results you get after 30 days.
Let’s make 2014 our best year ever!
Simon Chan
P.S. I’d like to share with you a Positive Force that will not only help you stay motivated but become successful in MLM.
I’d like to introduce to you my Simon Chan Insider’s Circle.
My Insider Circle was designed with one purpose in mind – To empower people of any skill level to increase their results in Network Marketing.
As a member of my Insider Circle you’ll be exposed to the most current strategies and tactics that the most successful network marketers are using.
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