Network marketing events play a huge role in your success. Discover the type of MLM events and why you must attend at least one a year
Nothing Beats Live Network Marketing Events
I’m going to share 3 moments in my life that I will never forget.
U2 at MSG
First one was when I was only 18 and a huge fan of the music band, U2.
I found out that they were visiting NYC on their Zoo TV Tour but unfortunately I had no money nor connections on how to get tickets.
Miraculously a friend of a friend of a friend from college sold me an extra ticket for only $25. The next thing you know I was inside Madison Square Garden watching U2 performing live!
Since I could get only one ticket, I went by myself and had to sit all the way in the upper upper deck.
I could barely see Bono but it didn’t matter.
The music sounded better and the entire experience of enjoying endless music with others was incredible.
Music at home never sounded that good again.
Michael Jordan’s Pregame Introduction
The second event was standing courtside when Michael Jordan was introduced in his last home game for the Chicago Bulls.
They had turned off the stadium lights and when his name was introduced, the stadium was briefly lit with camera flashes.
I had goose bumps all over from the music, the voice of the announcer and cheering along with 20,000 plus fans.
The atmosphere was incredible.
Basketball on TV was never exciting to me again.
Attending My First Network Marketing Event
The last event was when I was only 6 months into my MLM business and attended my first live network marketing event.
I was a MLM distributor for about 6 months and had some limited success.
Part of my lack of success was my weak belief in the industry.
Deep down I was kind of embarrassed I was in MLM because few of my friends joined and most of them never even heard of MLM.
However my belief and confidence went through the roof after I got to network and meet other successful distributors who were actively building their businesses.
The next week after that network marketing event I immediately earned my first $1,000 USD check and rank advanced to Silver Director in my company.
Importance of Attending Live Network Marketing Events
I recently finished speaking at a network marketing event at Implementation Bootcamp in Sydney.
One of the upcoming leaders there asked me how to convince their downlines to attend their live trainings.
Why should you attend a live network marketing event when you can stay at home and watch the recording later?
It’s the same reasons why people go to concerts, attend live sporting events and attend seminars.
3 Reasons Why Attending Network Marketing Events are Important
You will get more out of your money when you attend things live.
For 3 simple reasons.
1) You Are More Focused and Aware at Network Marketing Events
When you are listening to a recording you can easily become distracted.
You may be multi-tasking, not fully paying attention nor thinking about how you will apply what you are learning.
In other words, you are not maximizing the training and wasting your time.
2) The Atmosphere at Network Marketing Events Motivate You
We are a product of our environment and what we surround ourselves with plays a big part in our success.
Listening to music at home is not the same as going to the concert because of the other intangible factors such as the lighting, singing along with others, the dancing, etc.
Watching basketball on TV doesn’t give you the roar of the crowd nor the live intros.
When you attend a live MLM training event, you get to be in the same room and see things that you don’t get at home.
It’s one of the reasons why attending your company’s annual Convention is so important.
Your live MLM training event is the few times of the year when you are only surrounded by positive and motivated people.
It’s your escape from the negative people that bring you down.
3) Meet Top Leaders at Network Marketing Events
Millionaires don’t attend events just for the training.
Most of them already know the stuff that is being taught but they are wise enough to know that the REAL value is in the networking.
There is no better way to meet and pick the brains of successful people than to attend a live MLM event.
I had low self confidence and lacked the belief in MLM to be successful but fortunately I attended my first event and had a major breakthrough.
Since then, I’ve made an effort to attend every live event possible.
Success in MLM is Built On Network Marketing Events
Your success in MLM is dependent on how many events you go to and also how many of your downlines attend these events.
Events motivate us and we get to learn things and meet people that we could never get from any recording.
Make sure you and your downlines attend as many live training events as possible because years from now, you’ll be able to pinpoint the exact event that turned your business around.
Please comment below and let me know the live training event that had the BIGGEST impact on your business?
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio