When a network marketer is having trouble in their sponsoring efforts, there are either inner obstacles, or outer obstacles that can be holding them back.
Today, we’ll be addressing those outer obstacles and how to overcome them.
Because maybe you are having trouble in sponsoring…
Whether you're new to the business, or not.
Now, what does outer obstacles exactly mean?
That simply means there is something getting in the way when you're actively talking to your prospect, that be online or offline.
More often than not, why many network marketers struggle to sponsor is because they TALK TOO MUCH when inviting, prospecting.
Better yet, they are talking too much about the wrong things…
As the saying goes:
“The more you talk, the more you lose…”
Your prospects will always think they have to do what you did to them.
And if you are saying the wrong things, it will simply create resistance and close off your prospects…
So below, we will break down this outer obstacle and offer it’s simple solution.
The Outer Obstacle to Prospecting and Sponsoring
During the active stage of prospecting, a prospect will always think they have to do what you did to them.
That is why the act of talking too much about you product or compensation plans, or any factual information can hurt your business rather than help you.
As a result, prospects will not join.
They will not join because of how you made them feel of what they'd have to do.
They think that when they get started, they gotta nag and bother their friends.
If you ask most people, they do not like to sell…
Furthermore, they DO NOT want to go out there being pushy, trying to convince people.
So really, when you're presenting to them, you're not really selling them about the company or how great the products are…
What YOU DO WANT to do is, simply get them to feel that they can do it.
How do you get them to feel they can do it?
The solution is actually quite simple.
Less is More for Your Business
You get prospects to feel they can do something by keeping the actions simple AND not complicating things by over talking.
That does not mean, say all the ‘right information’ in a matter of a few sentences…
How do you actually keep it simple?
You do that by the act of raising curiosity and decreasing resistance.
You raise curiosity and decrease resistance through edification.
Think about it this way…
If someone asks you to explain what the movie Star Wars is about…
You possibly couldn’t explain everything about it in a short amount of time.
If you did, you would bore them and it would take forever!
Rather, you would tell them to watch the trailer.
The trailer would be quicker, and do a better job at explaining/capturing the excitement of the movie, wouldn’t it?!
That’s what you have to do in your business- sell the trailer (video, upline leader) that captures the movie.
By keeping the process simple and edifying:
– subconsciously, prospects feel they can do what you did
– it decreases resistance and prospects will be open to your opportunity
Bonus Tip
1. For those who send videos to maximize edification and prospecting…
Send the video ONLY when the person has time to watch it.
If they're not ready to watch it, don't send it.
A lot of times, what happens is they click on it, then they're checking emails, looking at texts, or whatever.
So, you have to really distract the distractions.
Sponsor More Effectively
1. Keep it simple
The more you talk, the more you lose.
2. When you're inviting, prospecting, you are driving people towards the upline or video.
Sell the upline, or sell the tool, but don't sell the business.
Because no one wants to be a salesman… Your prospect always thinks they gotta do what you did to them.
That's it everyone…
The key to sponsorship is to just focus on creating curiosity and keeping the process simple.
Comment below what you learned, and how this was helpful to you.
God Bless,
Simon Chan
P.S – If you find yourself “overthinking” the prospecting process… Check out my webinar, where I'll go in depth on how to overcome the habit of “overthinking”, as well provide you with simple actionable steps. Go HERE to grab a seat to attend, feel free to bring a teammate with you:)
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio