Importance of Network Marketing Books
Network marketing books are a very important part of your network marketing success and a common question is what is the “must read” MLM book.
Videos and blogs such as this list of Complete Guide to training in network marketing are also helpful but nothing replaces the importance of reading a book on network marketing.
If you're looking to create duplication, here is a list of network marketing training topics that you can teach your team and also how to train someone 1 on 1.
Table of Contents
#1 Amazon Best Selling Book on Network Marketing since 2022
This hasn't made the Top 10 yet but I'm honored that the #1 best selling MLM book on Amazon for MLM for 2022 has been The Consistency Pill
Asides from my book, below are the Top 10 most recommended books on network marketing by 800+ network marketing leaders that have been interviewed on MLM Nation podcast
This Top 10 list was hard to put to together since there are so many good MLM books that’ll help you grow your business.
I was tempted to make it 11 books but I knew once I did that, I’d then add another 4 to make it 15… and then the next you know it’ll be 20… or 25 or 50!
And then the list would be so long that it’ll just create more overwhelm.
So I wanted to keep it simple and only 10 books.
Criteria For Top Network Marketing Books
There were 3 criteria that I chose
1) The MLM book was a game changer that I personally felt helped me grow a million dollar business with over 300,000 reps
2) The book on MLM has been one of the most recommended books out of 800+ episodes on MLM Nation podcast
3) It has been mentioned by many of my coaching clients as a book that helped them grow their business
Top 10 Books on Network Marketing
I separated these network marketing books into general business books and ones written specifically for MLM
General Business Books that Apply to MLM
1) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This is the #1 most recommended book by entrepreneurs.
It’s a little hard to read and it took me 3 times to finally starting to get it.
Now it’s become a classic that I reread every year.
2) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This was one of the top 5 most influential books that I’ve read in my life and taught me to work smart instead of working hard.
It’s a must read and especially for a shy quiet Asian kid like me.
3) Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
One of the most recommended books by guests featured on MLM Nation Podcast.
Everything counts!
We may not see our results immediately but over time every activity we do grows exponentially. (Applies to both good and bad)
I teach my boys the Compound Effect everyday.
4) 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John Maxwell
The classic book on Leadership.
You know a book is good when it becomes a book you review once a year to make sure you stay on top of your game.
Books on Network Marketing
5) Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnall
This book saved me when I started my MLM journey. It’s a little dated but many of the timeless principles still apply especially the “Rejection Torpedo”
6) Mach 2 With Your Hair On Fire by Richard Bliss Brooke
Inspiring story and goes in depth of what most distributors fail to do; they don’t have a mental movie of their life.
A game changing book if you apply it
7) Building An Empire by Brian Carruthers
A complete A to Z list of how to recruit and train your team.
A timeless classic
8) Beach Money by Jordan Adler
Awesome title for an amazing book on MLM. Inspiring and educational.
Towards the end of this MLM book, the author, Jordan Adler gives the best explanation of MLM that I’ve ever heard of by using an analogy with vending machines and distribution centers
9) Game of Networking by Rob Sperry
A relatively new book on MLM but is a classic already.
It’s basically “How to Win Friends and Influence People” but customized for direct selling professionals.
10) Go Pro by Eric Worre
The #1 most recommended network marketing book by guests on MLM Nation Podcast.
Worre’s 7 steps make it simple to read and follow.
The Consistency Pill Book
If you struggle to stay consistent and get results online,
the #1 Amazon best seller will help you:
The Consistency Pill
7 Step System that Increases Sales and Transforms Your Business
In The Consistency Pill you'll discover:
— How to overcome procrastination, battle your fear of rejection, and reach maximum professional and business achievement
— The three C’s to create influence and get customers to buy from you, no matter what you’re selling
— Smarter social media habits and content marketing tips to grow your brand across every platform
— A simple way to prevent unfavorable events from hijacking your emotions and your consistency
— How to get more done every day in less time – and tips to get back on track if your consistency slips.
Which Network Marketing Book Is Missing?
This was a tough list as many good network marketing personal development books were left out such as Ray Higdon’s Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing and others.
Share this MLM book list with your team.
And if I’ve left off your favorite book, please let me know
Additional Training in Network Marketing
Another option to reading a book on network marketing is to go through these important network marketing trainings
How to Recruit People When You're Not Successful Yet in Network Marketing
The Network Marketing Script that Gets People Interested
10 Factors You Must Overcome Before Your Prospect Signs Up
Easiest Type of Social Media Posts to Create
How to Close and Increase Your Sales in Network Marketing
What to Say In Your First Recruiting Message
Mistakes that Make Downlines Quit
Best Way to Train a New Downline
5 Step Template to Creating a Simple Video that Gets People Interested
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio