Network marketing post ideas will be easy because you're about to discover these 4 simple steps to coming up with network marketing content ideas.
Posting on social media is part of your daily income producing activities checklist because it allows people to know you, like you and trust you.
Without this trust it will be difficult for people to buy or join you.
You're going to discover about the marketing avatar but make sure you go through the overview on Getting Started Overview on How to Use Social Media for Network Marketing
4 Steps to Network Marketing Post Ideas
You want to create content that
1) Allows people to get to know you
2) Inspires
3) Educates
4) Entertains
But what should you post?
Here’s how to create good social media posts for your network marketing.
Step 1: Determine Your Target Audience for Social Media
The key to creating good network marketing content is if you “talk” to a specific person or a marketing avatar
This will make it easier for you to inspire, educate, entertain… and have fun!
The easiest person to target is the person you were before you joined your network marketing business because you have first hand experience and that makes you able to relate to your prospect.
Step 2 to Network Marketing Post Ideas: Demographics
Determine the demographics of your target audience
Write the answers to these questions down:
– How old is your target audience?
– Male or Female?
– What are they interested in?
This will give you network marketing content ideas and help you choose things they can relate to such as music, entertainment, pop culture, etc.
For example, if they are in the later 40s – 50s, then they would relate better to 1980s music than music from the 2000s
Step 3: Solve Their Problems with Your Posts
You want to create network marketing content that helps them so you must know what problems this person has
– What problems do they currently have?
– What keeps them up at night?
– What would make them happy?
– What beliefs do they have? (For i.e. housing is too expensive, things were way better in the 1980s, etc.)
Let Others Know Who You Are
Make sure you post personal things so people get to know who you are.
Come up with network marketing content ideas such as what you do, how you help people, your family, what you like to do, etc.
Create Your Social Media Strategy
Once you know the answers to those questions
then it’s much easier to come up with network marketing content ideas and create post that inspires, educates and entertains.
Here is a video analysis of what top MLM leaders do to help you come with network marketing post ideas
Remember that people buy from those they know, like and trust so let others get to know you
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Tomorrow Like Today?!
If you want a better future
You have to change what you are doing today!
If you keep doing what you’re doing and don’t change,
then tomorrow will just be like today.
→ What’s one thing in your life that you have to change?!
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio