Candy W. ask me over the weekend,
“What are the benefits of reels and stories on social media?”
People ONLY buy from those they Know, Like and Trust
and using Reels and Stories is a great way for people to get to know you and trust you.
—– Lesson of the Day —–
Why and What to Post on Social Media
The biggest reason why you must be active on social media is because it creates Authority and Trust
Authority means people will respect you and listen to what you have to say and offer
If you want more people to watch your presentations
you need to increase your Authority
and one of the easiest ways to increase your Authority is with your social media profile.
Here are 2️⃣ ways to increase your Authority today:
1️⃣ ) Let people know who you are
Post pictures and videos so that people get to know you because people only buy from those they “know, like and trust.”
Use Stories to let people see who you are.
Stories is like the “reality TV” where they can see what you're doing each day.
When people click on your profile, they should be able to feel they know who you are and what you like to do within 10 – 20 seconds.
Reels are also effective because people tend to like to watch short video clips than longer video or reading.
2️⃣ ) Be a person of value
Share things that’ll inspire, educate and entertain
Prospecting becomes 100 times easier when you consistently provide value online and create Authority
because people look up to you and are open to what you have to offer
You can simply share what you've been learning from your own personal development.
You can also use Stories and Reels to do this and often it's much easier to shoot a quick video with your phone than writing a post
Here are some examples of what top leaders do.
This video below will also be helpful
Remember that people only buy from those they know, like and trust
so make sure people feel they know who you are when the click on your profile
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Your Thoughts
You can’t have Stinking Thinking because that leads to a Disastrous Life
Thoughts ➡️ Actions ➡️ Results
Thoughts lead to Actions and Actions lead to Results‼️
If you want better results,
→ change the way you THINK.
But how?
Here are 3 ways to change your thinking.
1️⃣ ) The People
Surround yourself with positive people that will take you where you want to be
2️⃣ ) Your Personal Development
Expose your mind to new ideas and work on getting better at the skills you need
3️⃣ ) Places You Go
Every place you travel to will inspire you and give you new things to think about
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
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