5 Mistakes that Cause 90% of Distributors to Fail
Most distributors all make the 5 Deadly Mistakes and that’s why the fail.
I call them Deadly because they will KILL your business and they will KILL you physically.
You will be frustrated and stressed all the time because of the lack of success.
And we know stress kills.
But the good news is that you can avoid all the Pain!
I wrote this training to help you achieve success FASTER without the pain that I had to go through.
Most distributors have a tough time sponsoring people.
They talk to people and no one wants to join…
because they make some or all of these 5 Deadly Mistakes.
It doesn’t matter how great your company’s products are, how persistent or motivated you are , you will fail if you make these mistakes.
By the way, I made these SAME mistakes in my first 2 months in MLM and that’s why I earned $0.
Also, you NEED to keep your business pipeline full!
That is, you need to be doing the 5 daily core activities that will bring you a consistent supply of new prospects to talk to, follow up with, etc.
The ONLY 5 Things That Make You Money.
If you’re unsure of what to take action on, here are the only 5 things that make you money in Network Marketing.
Here Are The 5 Deadly Mistakes
Mistake #1: They approach their Contact List with the goal to sponsor everyone!
Mistake #2: They ONLY Talk to Their Close Friends and Family
Mistake #3: They PREJUDGE their prospects and talk to only ones they think will be interested
Mistake #4: They Sell the Business and not the Meeting during the Invite.
Mistake #5: They Approach every prospect the same way.
Are You Making These Deadly Mistakes?
Go back to your Contact List and think of how you plan to prospect differently.
Once you apply these fundamental principles you will achieve your MLM dream quicker and easier.
Please comment or share this post to any other distributors that need help in their MLM business.
God Bless,
Simon Chan