How to Connect Better with Your MLM Prospects
Being a father is been a very educational experience. It's fascinating to see how babies, even at three months old, display many of the personality traits of adults.
As my son has gotten older and gone from infant to toddler, these personality characteristics become more obvious.
Understanding people and the common traits they share is essential for connecting with others, especially when it comes to your MLM prospecting.
Being able to sell is the most important MLM skill I would teach my kids, and one of the first lessons I would teach them is the following Seven Essential Truths about Humans.
If you keep these in mind, you will be better at prospecting and increase your income in MLM.
1) People Haven't Changed Much
My son has the same desires as the MLM prospects that I meet everyday.
People may be different ethnicities, ages, or education, but deep down everyone has the same fundamental needs.
It doesn’t matter if we are Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers, etc., we are all HUMAN!
We may have different interests, but our fundamental needs are the same. Mankind has not changed much in the last 6,000 years.
Remember that every prospect has the same needs and there are common strategies that you can apply to all MLM prospects.
2) People Want to Be Heard
My sons want my attention at all times. They say, “Daddy this,” “Daddy that,” nonstop. Perhaps that is why my boys make me so tired! Adults are the same, however.
Although adults don't yell, “Look at me,” to the world, but deep down we all want the world to pay attention to us.
That's one of the reasons why social media is so popular. It's our way of saying to the world, “Look at me! Look at what I ate for breakfast! Look at what I did today!”
When it comes to your MLM prospects, make sure you let them voice their concerns.
Give them the opportunity to talk and let them know you want to hear them out and not just take their time to pitch something.
The more they talk, the more they will like you.
3) People Think in Stories
Just like my kids love a good bedtime story, your MLM prospects also remember in stories.
They will never remember the details of your company, nor how amazing your products are, but they will remember the lessons contained in the stories you share.
Learning to tell a good story is part of my Effective Presentation Formula. Stories keep your MLM prospects engaged so they don’t get bored during your presentation.
4) People Avoid Pain First
Our lizard brains that were developed during caveman days were wired to survive.
That meant staying as far away from pain as possible.
Only when humans are free from pain can they start thinking about what will make them happy.
When you present to your MLM prospects, emphasize Fear of Loss, (e.g. no retirement, not being able to afford an increase in the standard of living, can't pay for kid's college, etc.), more than the desire for gain (e.g., fancy car, travel to exotic places, etc.)
When you emphasize Fear of Loss it will also allow you to connect better with prospects since most of them have given up on their dreams a long time ago. Deep down they don't believe that buying that fancy car is possible.
Showing them the insecure future and what they may lose out on is a much stronger motivator than talking about potential gains.
This is the same reason why an army defending its homeland always has a higher rate of victory than the conquerors. Homeland defenders fight harder.
The possibility of losing what you have is the best way to get someone to take action and work harder.
5) People Decide Emotionally
Humans are emotional creatures and we always make buying decisions based on emotion. Afterward, we justify the emotional decisions with logic.
That is how our entire economy functions. It’s why people go shopping.
In this day and age, there is no logic to buying new clothes or gadgets. What we have at home is enough to fulfill our needs, but the advertisers are able to build an emotional connection that makes us want to buy more.
We buy because of emotion, and afterward, we go home and back up our decision with logic.
Shoppers know this very well. They see a pair of jeans they love, and they go buy it because emotionally they are drawn to it. After they go home, they justify it with logic by saying it was a great deal, or it matches the new shoes they got last week.
Make sure you get your MLM prospects emotionally charged up.
Some examples of emotion are fear (uncertain financial future), guilt (the jobs are taking time away from family), or excitement over a promising future.
Once you are able to stir up emotion, make sure you don't make the mistake of talking yourself out of the sale by providing too many details. Go for the close right away. Your can provide all the details later during training.
6) People Crave Strong Relationships
Since the caveman days, we cherish time around the campfire where we can share and bond with others.
Your MLM prospects also value strong relationships. They want to be loved by others.
Make sure you can show your MLM prospects that your MLM opportunity can provide them with more time with their loved ones so that they can have better relationships.
Another thing to emphasize is the new relationships that will develop once they join your team.
Many MLM prospects who don't have good relationships at home often find comfort in MLM because the team welcomes, nurtures, and treats them with respect. The team provides them with the relationship bonds that are not available at home.
7) People Want to Leave a Legacy and Be Remembered
Humans know their time on earth is limited and everyone wants to be remembered.
That's why kids etch their names on wooden desks in school, and millionaires donate to universities so that buildings can be named after them.
Adults with children want to make a lasting impression that their younger generation will be remember.
When you present to your MLM prospects, make sure you emphasize that your business is something that can be passed to future generations.
An MLM business is something that can be given to your family when you die, a job is not.
When you build a successful MLM business, not only does it provide a financial future for you, it enables you to leave something for your children.
Another way to implement this is to remind your MLM prospects that when they achieve time freedom with their MLM business, it will allow them to pursue bigger things in life, such as giving back and charity.
There are many prospects that want to give back, but unfortunately they can't, due to the time and financial commitments from their job.
Passive income from their MLM business will allow them to pursue their passion to help others and leave a lasting legacy.
Seven Essential Truths about Your MLM Prospects
Humans have been the same for the past 6,000 years. Here are the seven characteristics that have not changed.
1) People Haven't Changed Much,
2) People Want to Be Heard,
3) People Think in Stories,
4) People Avoid Pain First,
5) People Decide Emotionally,
6) People Crave Strong Relationships, and
7) People Want to Leave a Legacy and Be Remembered
As you apply these Seven Essential Truths about Your MLM Prospects, you will connect with more people, sponsor more distributors, and increase your income.
Am I missing any other characteristic?
How do you apply these human traits to your presentations?
Please comment below.
Simon Chan
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio