All successful Network Marketing Professionals post on social media everyday and is one of the reasons they can recruit people easily.
That's why creating social media posts is one of the 5 income producing activities you must do everyday.
Quick Guide: 3 Steps to Creating Posts on Social Media
1 ) Define Your Target Audience (Your Niche)
2 ) List out the Problems Of Your Niche
3 ) Provide Solutions to Those Problems
You'll get step by step instructions on how to do this below
Quick Summary: 5 Factors for Network Marketing Posts that Create Followers
1 ) Create Value
2 ) Be Relatable
3 ) Show Proof
4 ) Create a Higher Purpose
5) Create Curiosity
I teach you how to do each of these steps later in this guide.
You're going to discover how it convinces people to join and ideas that'll help you post on social media everyday.
Outline: What to Post on Social Media for MLM Success
Important Principle to Network Marketing Recruiting
Before we talk about why posting on social media is important, here's an important rule to selling that you can apply to network marketing recruiting.
Rule is:
People only buy from those they know, like and trust!
How Posting on Social Media Convinces Prospects to Buy or Join
When you post on social media, it allows people to know you, like you and trust you.
Your social media profile is your new business card and what you post on social media allows people to get an idea of the type of person you are.
Authority is Created When You Post On Social Media
Another reason why you post on social media is because it creates Authority and Trust
Authority means people will respect you and listen to what you have to say and offer
If you want more people to watch your presentations, you need to increase your Authority and one of the easiest ways to increase your Authority is from the content and value you post on social media.
Avoid this Big Mistake with Your Network Marketing Posts!
Most new distributors struggle because they sell in all their network marketing posts and their social media profiles become one huge commercial.
Not only is it a big turn off but no one will want to join your team because they would not want to do what you're doing!
The best network marketing posts are ones that create value and curiosity
3 Steps to Creating Network Marketing Posts
Once you understand these 3 steps, it'll be so much easier to come up with network marketing content ideas.
Step 1: Determine Your Target Audience for Social Media
The key to creating good network marketing content is if you “talk” to a specific person or a marketing avatar
This will make it easier for you to inspire, educate, entertain… and have fun!
The easiest person to target is the person you were before you joined your network marketing business.
- You already know that person was already
- You know their pains and challenges
- You're also more relatable because you've been there before
For example,
If you were 35 years old stay at home mom with 2 kids when you got started
then that's your target audience.
A mistake that many people make is they make their target audience who they are NOW instead of who they used to be
Example of this mistake is you've been in the business for 3 years and you only target business owners.
You'll have much more success by targeting the person you WERE before you got started
Here is training video that goes more into detail about the best niche for network marketing.
Remember that your best target audience is the person you were before you got started
Step 2 to Network Marketing Post Ideas: Demographics
Determine the demographics of your target audience
Write the answers to these questions down:
– How old is your target audience?
– Male or Female?
– What are they interested in?
This will give you network marketing content ideas and help you choose things they can relate to such as music, entertainment, pop culture, etc.
For example, if they are in the later 40s – 50s, then they would relate better to 1980s music than music from the 2000s
Step 3: Solve Their Problems with Your Posts
You want to create network marketing content that has value and value is anything that helps them so you must know what problems this person has
– What problems do they currently have?
– What keeps them up at night?
– What would make them happy?
– What beliefs do they have? (For i.e. housing is too expensive, things were way better in the 1980s, etc.)
3 Ways to Post on Social Media
Here are 3️⃣ ways to increase your Authority today:
1️⃣ ) Let People Know Who You Are
Come up with network marketing content ideas such as what you do, how you help people, your family, what you like to do, etc.
You must trust them before they will trust you and buy from you.
Stories on Facebook and Instagram are a great type of post on social media because they're short and easy to do and they disappear.
Stories is like the “reality TV” where they can see what you're doing each day.
When people click on your profile, they should be able to feel they know who you are and what you like to do within 10 – 20 seconds.
Reels are also effective because people tend to like to watch short video clips than longer video or reading.
2️⃣ ) Be a Person of Value
The best network marketings posts are ones that create value!
You create Value when you post on social things that’ll inspire, educate or entertain
Network marketing recruiting becomes 100 times easier when you consistently provide value online and create Authority because people look up to you and are open to what you have to offer
Shortcut to this is you can simply share what you've been learning from your own personal development.
You can also use Stories and Reels to do this and often it's much easier to shoot a quick video with your phone than writing a post
3️⃣ ) Post Something That You've Learned
People like to follow people who make them feel smarter (just think about who you follow)
The easiest type of content to post on social media is something you've learned.
It can be from a one of the top network marketing books or something you've learned in The Network Marketing Training Hub or just something from one of your mentors.
The Easiest Type of Social Media Posts that Provide Value
A lot of MLM distributors overthink their network marketing content.
They get stuck trying to be creative or waiting for inspiration.
If you're still struggling with network marketing post ideas then here is the EASIEST type of posts to create.
It's simple.
Just teach what you've learned!
That’s it. Just take what you’ve learned recently and share it.
This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to create engaging network marketing content, grow your contact list, and position yourself as a leader.
Simple Routine to Create Network Marketing Content
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
Every day, you’re learning something—whether it’s from a book, a podcast, a mentor, or just from your own experiences.
Take what you've learned and use it for your social media posts.
Here’s a simple routine to help you create social media posts effortlessly:
✅ Think about the wins, lessons, or insights you had this week and write them down.
✅ Share what you learned with your audience.
That’s it.
The best social media posts either:
1️⃣ Inspire
2️⃣ Educate
3️⃣ Entertain
Inspiration and entertainment can take time to master, but teaching what you’ve learned?
That’s something you can do right now!
It's the easiest way to create value.
People follow you because they want to learn.
They want to grow and when you share your insights, you help them do that and you build trust along the way.
Why Teaching What You Learned Works (For You and Your Business)
Creating network marketing posts that teach isn’t just about helping others…it helps you, too!
Here’s why:
🔥 You provide value – When you share useful lessons, people see you as a leader and someone worth following.
🔥 You become a better leader – The more you teach, the better you get at explaining things. This helps you grow in confidence and authority.
🔥 You hold yourself accountable – If you’re teaching something, you’re more likely to follow through on it yourself. It pushes you to practice what you preach.
🔥 It builds connection – People relate to real-life lessons. When they see you learning and growing, they feel like they’re on the journey with you.
Watch this video as I go more into detail.
7 Types of Posts that Attract Business Minded Prospects
If you want to attract entrepreneurial minded people, then you have to post on social media content that they're interested in.
Here are some topics that will get their attention.
1) Business motivation
Everyone needs motivation especially entrepreneurs
2) Positivity
Running a business can be tough and you can never have enough positivity.
Business people know negativity will kill their business
3) Productivity
Business people are super busy and are always interested in time management tips
4) Community Impact / Charity
These success minded individuals often think of goals bigger than themselves
5) Technical Skills
Entrepreneurs are always interested in improving their business skills such as sales and marketing, social media marketing, leadership, etc.
Recommendations for good books are always popular
6 ) Getting to Know Other Entrepreneurs
They always want to connect with those similar to them.
This is when you can let people know who you are.
7 ) Health Related
Successful people also know health is super important
They want more energy to increase their productivity and good health to enjoy what they worked hard for
5 Proven Factors that Help You Get More Followers
A lot of people focus on going viral, but the truth is, virality doesn’t build a business—followers do.
A viral post might get you views, but a true following is what turns a stranger into a new contact which eventually becomes a future customer or team member.
For example, a funny clip of someone slipping on a banana peel may go viral but it's not going to get you any followers for your business.
If you want to create a loyal audience that keeps coming back for more, here are five essential strategies:
1. Create Value
People follow you if your network marketing posts help their lives get better.
Whether it’s education, entertainment, or inspiration, you need to provide real value.
Instead of just saying, “Carbs are bad for you,” give them specific insights like: “If you take vinegar 20 minutes before eating carbs, it will lower your glycemic spike.”
The more practical and actionable your content is, the more people will trust and follow you.
If you have run out of network marketing post ideas, just remember to teach what you learn!
2. Be Relatable
Many people hesitate to share personal details, but relatability doesn’t mean exposing your private life.
It means sharing your experiences, struggles, and emotions that others can connect with.
For example, if you're a parent, talking about your challenges with getting your kid ready for school instantly makes you more real and relatable to other parents.
People don’t just follow information—they follow people they connect with.
3. Show Proof
If you’re teaching something or selling a product, people need to see evidence that it works. Proof can come in many forms:
- Your own results
- Customer testimonials
- Success stories from others in your company
- Success stories from the network marketing profession
- Before-and-after photos
Without proof, your audience may like your content but hesitate to trust you enough to take action.
4. Create a Higher Purpose
People don’t just follow businesses; they follow missions and movements.
Ask yourself, “What is the bigger purpose behind what I do?”
For example, if you’re in health and wellness, it’s not just about selling a product—it’s about helping people live longer, feel better, and have more energy.
If you sell cookware, it’s not just about cooking—it’s about creating happiness at the dinner table and the satisfaction of seeing people happy.
When people feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves, they stay engaged.
5. Create Curiosity
If you want people to keep following you, give them a reason to come back.
Always leave them with something to look forward to. For example:
- “Next time, I’ll show you how to set up your kitchen so it's easier to clean!”
- “Tomorrow, I’ll share a tip on how to save an extra hour in your day.”
- “In my next post, I’ll reveal a mistake most people make when starting their business.”
By teasing upcoming content, you keep your audience engaged and wanting more.
Summary: What to Post Content on Social Media to Get More Followers
Creating a following isn’t about one viral moment—it’s about consistently providing value, being relatable, proving your expertise, having a bigger purpose, and keeping people curious.
When you apply these five strategies, you’ll attract people who truly care about what you do—and those are the followers who will eventually become customers, clients, and loyal fans.
Examples of Posts on Social Media for Network Marketing
This training video will show you what successful network marketing professionals post on social media everyday to grow their MLM business.
Remember that people only buy from those they know, like and trust and that's why it's so important to post on social media.
Create a Routine to Post on Social Media
Life gets busy and it's easy to forget to post on social media so make sure you create a routine.
Without routines, there will be no consistency.
You don't need much time. In fact it can be as simple as 5 minutes.
For me, my routine is to post on social media before I go for my morning workout.
The key is to always be aware throughout the day and to think about what you will post on social media.
I like to use my Notes app on my phone to write down my ideas and what I plan to post. Nowadays, I just use voice dictation and then I will go back in the morning to post it.
How to Stay Consistent and Post on Social Media
1 ) Always think about how to give value throughout the day. Write down your ideas on your phone.
2 ) Think of creating a reality TV show throughout the day so that you will capture the moments
3 ) Choose a scheduled time to post on social media and then you go back to your ideas and post it
Take Action: Your Next Social Media Post
Ready to put this into action? Here’s your simple challenge:
📌 Write down five things you learned this week—big or small.
📌 Turn each one into a social media post.
📌 Share them with your audience.
Remember, social media is about connection, not perfection.
People aren’t looking for a flawless post—they want something real, something valuable.
So don’t overthink it.
Teach what you learned, help others grow, and watch your influence and business grow in the process.
Now go make that post! 🚀
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio