Network marketing success is achievable in 2025 but it's not easy to succeed in network marketing.
It's a simple business but succeeding in network marketing can be extremely difficult if you don't have the skills and right mindset.
If you're a beginner, make sure you go through this skills training in network marketing so that you can be successful in network marketing
The key to success is to keep things simple.
Here are 6 steps to a Simple Online System that will help you succeed in network marketing.
Table of Content: Network Marketing Success Tips
Step 1 to Network Marketing Success: Lead Yourself
The first person you need to lead is YOU
You need to have a vision and sell that vision to others
You must be the person that people want to join if you want to be succeed in network marketing recruiting.
How can you get someone to follow you if you can't lead yourself?
Leading yourself does not mean you need to make big, dramatic changes overnight.
It means making small, consistent improvements every single day and people notice those small changes.
If you're new or struggling, this video will help you:
The best way to grow is to go through network marketing trainings, read the recommended network marketing books, attend the events and invest in personal development.
When you grow, people see it.
When you commit, people feel it.
Become the person that people want to trust and join.
Step 2 to MLM Success: Sell Your 3 Cs
You don't need to have results in order to become successful in network marketing.
In fact you can recruit people even if you're new and haven't had succeeded yet.
But you do need these 3 Cs!
What are the 3 Cs?
• Commitment
• Change
This is about showing others who you are becoming.
When you start showing up differently, people will notice.
If you were a serious before, show the world that you have changed.
Show your commitment. Show up and do the income producing activities every day.
People are always watching.
Be the person who inspires them.
Step 3 to Network Marketing Success: Work the DMO
The DMO is your checklist of income producing activities that you must do everyday.
Every business needs a checklist and THE DMO creates network marketing success.
Work the DMO, and the DMO will work for you!
The DMO is very simple
• Post 3 times a day (1 feed post, 2 stories)
• Meet 5 new contacts every day
• Send out 5 invites
Here is a proven network marketing invitation script that'll get people interested
• Do 5 follow-ups
• Share your presentation with 3 people (Zoom, video, etc.)
Here is a complete detailed training on THE DMO
Step 4: Consistency Creates Network Marketing Success
Consistency is the key to if you want to succeed in network marketing
You don't need to be perfect to succeed in network marketing but you do need to be consistent!
It is not about doing big things once in a while.
It is about showing up every single day even when you don't feel like it because people are always watching you.
People trust what they see over time.
Trust builds relationships and relationships build your business.
Step 5 to Network Marketing Success: Get a Mentor
All top performers whether it's entrepreneurs, athletes or entertainers have a mentor or coach and you must have one too.
You must have someone that can give you feedback so that you can avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
The mentor doesn't have to be your upline and can be anyone in your company or a generic network marketing coach.
There are 3 criteria for choosing a good network marketing mentor:
1) The person has experience and previous success
2) The coach gives you honest feedback and can help you (this is why an upline who is a friend is often a poor mentor)
3) You can ask frequent access so that you can ask questions anytime and get feedback. The more you talk to this person the better because this coach also serves as an accountability partner.
Step 6 to Success in MLM: Staying Connected
You’re not going to do the work it takes to succeed in network marketing if you do MLM alone.
You need to be connected.
Connect with your team, your upline, and others who are succeeding.
Attend events because they allow you to connect with your team, company and leaders.
Personal development is also important to help you stay connected.
Go through trainings in MLM and also listen network marketing success stories
Connection inspires you, keeps you motivated and helps you overcome rejection.
There is no way you can be successful in network marketing if you do things alone.
Step 6 to MLM Success: Purpose Driven Leadership
Once you start building a team, you need to lead with purpose.
Don't make these common mistakes that make people quit such as not creating fulfillment.
Purpose driven leadership does two things:
1. Gets new distributors quick wins
Small successes keep people motivated.
2. Creates fulfillment
A business that grows and lasts is one where people feel they’re making a difference.
Without this leadership, you’ll get short-term sales, but you won’t build a long-term team.
Action Creates Success in Network Marketing!
Now you know what it takes to be successful with network marketing
The most important thing is you have to take ACTION!
What is one action step you can do RIGHT NOW to be succeed in MLM?
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio