Prospecting in network marketing is not easy but this guide to MLM recruiting will help you sponsor your first person.
Network Marketing Recruiting Guide
Correct Mental Approach
Prospecting in network marketing can be hard and it's this lack of success in network marketing recruiting that makes people quit MLM.
But it’s not impossible because everyday people who use a proven network marketing recruiting script are successfully sponsoring people.
Here’s the best part:
You don’t need to be perfect nor need to know everything.
And you don’t even need to be super successful yet.
What you really need is the right mindset.
Here’s the secret:
You’re not selling products.
You’re selling a dream!
Network Marketing Recruiting is About Selling Dreams
Let’s get this straight.
You’re not in the business of selling shakes, vitamins, or skincare.
You’re in the business of selling hope and selling freedom.
In other words…
Network marketing recruiting is about Selling Dreams!
Think about it.
When someone buys a McDonald’s, is it because they love flipping burgers?
They buy it because they believe it’s a way to make money.
It’s a path to a better life.
It’s the same for network marketing recruiting.
People don’t join your team because they love your product.
They join because they believe it can change their lives.
So stop focusing only on the product.
Prospecting in network marketing is about selling dreams!
How to Prospect in Network Marketing When You're Struggling
A lot of people think they need to have previous results before they
That’s not true.
You don’t need to hit big goals first.
You don’t need to be a top earner.
And you don’t need a long list of results.
What you need is belief.
Belief in your business, what you’re offering and belief in the dream you’re sharing.
Even the biggest entrepreneurs started with just an idea.
Big entrepreneurs like Elon Musk never had any experience in the auto industry but started Tesla.
He had a vision and got others excited about the vision
Here's another example,
Jeff Bezos didn't have success with online stores before he built Amazon and convinced people to invest in his company. (in fact, Amazon lost millions before they turned a profit) but people believed in his dream and vision.
Other examples are the top leaders in your company.
They didn't have success when they first joined but they were confident in selling the Dream even when they had no one on their team.
You can do the same.
You don't need success to start selling people a Dream.
If you believe in what you’re building, others will too.
Sell the 3 C's When You Recruit
If you want people to join, you need to sell them on the 3 C's
Sell people your
- Change
- Commitment
- Consistency
Sell How You've Changed
Show them how this business is changing you.
Maybe you’re more confident now or you’re learning new skills.
You’ve made new friends and feel more positive about your future.
People notice when you change, see your growth and this makes them believe they can grow too.
Once this happens, prospecting in network marketing becomes way easier when people feel they can experience what you've gone though.
Sell Your Commitment
Commitment is about showing up every day prospecting in network marketing.
Even when it’s hard.
Even when you don’t feel like it.
When people see your dedication, they’ll trust you and believe the Dream is real
And that will make them want to follow you.
Sell Your Consistency
Consistency is what separates the winners from the quitters.
It’s about doing the right things over and over again.
Even if you don’t see results right away.
When people see you being consistent, it builds trust.
And that trust makes them want to join your network marketing team.
5 Daily Activities for Network Marketing Recruiting Success
If you're not sure exactly what activities to spend time when it comes to prospecting in network marketing,
here is your list of income producing activities you must do everyday
It's called THE DMO (Daily Method of Operation)
3️⃣ → Post 3 Times on Social Media
5️⃣ → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day
5️⃣ → Invite 5 People to Look at Your Business
5️⃣ → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To
3️⃣ → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
That’s your network marketing recruiting checklist 📝✅ of what needs to be done to be a top MLM recruiter
Make sure you your Free DMO Cheat Sheet that you can print out so you don't forget these activities
Every Prospect Has 3 Doubts
Every person you approach in recruiting has 1 or all of these 3 main doubts and you must overcome them in order to achieve success in network marketing recruiting.
1 ) Is This For Real?
Some people worry it’s fake or that it’s a scam.
You can handle this by sharing real success stories.
Talk about others in your company who have achieved great things and the more stories you share, the more belief you build.
2 ) Can I Do This?
Many people don’t believe in themselves.
They think they’re too busy to do any network marketing recruiting activities.
Or that they don’t know enough people.
Show them examples of people just like them who made it work.
Share stories of busy moms, shy people, or total beginners who found success.
3 ) Can You Help Me?
Nobody wants to feel alone.
People need to know you and your team will guide and teach them how to prospect in network marketing.
This is why three-way calls and texts are so helpful.
They show prospects that they won’t have to do this alone.
Here is a list of 10 other factors that affects your network marketing success
and they all fall under these 3 main doubts
How Network Marketing Recruiting Gets Easier
Network marketing recruiting gets easier and more fun when you invest in personal development.
The more you grow, the more people you’ll attract.
It’s that simple.
Think about it.
Who do you like to follow?
It’s probably people who inspire you.
People who are ahead of you in life.
If you want others to follow you, you need to become someone worth following.
So invest in yourself.
Read the Top 10 Network Marketing books
Take courses
Listen to leaders share their secrets
and most importantly,
work on your mindset
The more you grow, the easier recruiting becomes.
Building Your Self Belief
Network marketing recruiting is simple but not easy.
It's easy to get down and think you're a failure when you struggle
Once you feel this way,
it's going to be difficult for you to achieve any network marketing success
because your enthusiasm and excitement in the Dream is gone
and people will see that and no longer trust what you have is real.
Here's a motivational training that will help you increase your belief in yourself
Network Marketing Recruiting is About Sorting
Here’s the truth.
Not everyone will say yes.
80% of the people you approach will say “No”
Prospecting in network marketing is about timing
Finding the right person at the right time
That's why you must always stay consistent
You can always do 2 things
1 ) Use the CLAM Formula to find new people online
2 ) Use proven followup scripts
But you got to keep going.
Show up everyday and do the work.
Share your excitement about the dream even if you don’t have big results yet because your consistency will inspire others.
And when they see you sticking with it, they’ll believe you and join you.
Common FAQs
Network Marketing Recruiting
What's a good a Network Marketing Script that Gets People Interested?
I've run out of friends to talk to. How can I find new people?
Network Marketing Scripts for Following Up and For People Who Ghost You?
How to Close More People and Get People to Buy
Closing Scripts After a Presentation to Get them to Buy
Personal Branding and Attraction Marketing
4 Steps to Creating a Good Social Media Strategy for Network Marketing
Duplication and Leadership
How to Train Someone I just Signed Up
How to Prevent my Team from Quitting