Network marketing recruiting is not easy but this guide to MLM recruiting will help you be one of the top recruiters in your company.
5 Steps to Network Marketing Prospecting
Step 1: Finding People to Approach
You need new people to talk to each day and you can use the C.L.A.M. Formula so you never run out of people to talk to
Step 2: Invite Approach
Once you meet someone, use the Magic Script to send a non pressure invite to see if someone is interested.
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
We' will go over this in detail and share additional invite scripts in this guide.
Step 3: Presentation
If someone is interested, send them a short network marketing video that gives a quick overview
If your company doesn't have a good video, you can use this template and easily create one on your phone
You can always follow The Effective Presentation Formula for longer presentations
Step 4: Follow up
Most people won't buy the first time so the key is the follow up!
Best way to follow up is with excitement and confidence.
You share a win or an update and ask them how they're' doing.
Skip ahead for network marketing follow up scripts.
Step 5: Closing
Most people don't know how to close nor ask for the sale
Create some urgency and get your prospect to take action and buy
Best way is to guide your prospect and have them convince themselves
Here are more detailed training on these 5 steps.
Outline: How to Prospect in Network Marketing
3️⃣ Quick Network Marketing Recruiting Tips 💥
If you want to sponsor people,
the MOST important thing you must have is ENTHUSIASM and ENTHUSIASM!
This is especially true if you're new and haven't had much success yet.
Most people think they need more knowledge and skills
but what really holds them back is the LACK of Energy and Enthusiasm.
Look at all the leaders in your MLM company
They all have 3 things in common.
1 ) Leaders at 1 Point… All Had Little Skills or Little Knowledge
They didn't know much when they were new.
Even if they came from another company and had previous experience,
they didn't achieve any success yet in their current company.
They also didn't know everything about the company…
but they still had TONS of Energy and Enthusiasm!
which leads use to the 2nd MLM recruiting tip…
2 ) Leaders All Have Energy and Enthusiasm
Every top earner in every company has tons of energy and enthusiasm
They know that low energy turns people away.
But high energy and excitement can create a lot of curiosity and gets people to follow your vision
So where does this come from?!
which leads use to the 3rd network marketing recruiting tip…
3) Leaders Know It's About Selling The Dream and Vision
They know that we're in the business of selling dreams and they're excited about their Dream and Vision!
What you must understand is that it's your CONVICTION in your Vision that will get people to sign up
You must be confident and act successful even if you haven't made any money yet.
In fact, Leaders know how to recruit people even if they're never made any money
No One Joins Your Team if You Have Low Energy!
Remember that Energy and Enthusiasm is SO Important!
No one wants to join if you're low energy and boring.
How is your Energy and Excitement when you approach people?!
Prospecting Scripts for the MLM Invite
There are over 7 detailed MLM invite scripts you can use for different types of people or you can simply use this proven network marketing invitation script
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
That will work for 90% of the people you approach.
If you want more advanced training on different scripts for different friends and cold market strangers, you can access them here
Prospecting Scripts for Follow Up
This guide will focus about the recruiting approach and initial invite but here's a good template to follow for network marketing follow up
1 ) Share a Win or Update
2 ) Ask how they're doing
You can access complete list of network marketing follow up scripts here.
Mental Approach to Being a Good Recruiter
Prospecting in network marketing can be hard and it's this lack of success in network marketing recruiting that makes people quit MLM.
But it’s not impossible because everyday people who use a proven network marketing recruiting script are successfully sponsoring people.
Here’s the best part:
You don’t need to be perfect nor need to know everything.
And you don’t even need to be super successful yet.
What you really need is the right mindset.
Here’s the secret:
You’re not selling products.
You’re selling a dream!
Network Marketing Recruiting is About Selling Dreams
Let’s get this straight.
You’re not in the business of selling shakes, vitamins, or skincare.
You’re in the business of selling hope and selling freedom.
In other words…
Network marketing recruiting is about Selling Dreams!
Think about it.
When someone buys a McDonald’s, is it because they love flipping burgers?
They buy it because they believe it’s a way to make money.
It’s a path to a better life.
It’s the same for network marketing recruiting.
People don’t join your team because they love your product.
They join because they believe it can change their lives.
So stop focusing only on the product.
Prospecting in network marketing is about selling dreams!
5️⃣ Common Mistakes 😱 That Kills MLM Recruiting Success
Here are 5 common mistakes made when prospecting in network marketing and they will kill your MLM recruiting success so make sure you don't do them!
Mistake 1: Have a Goal to Convince and Recruit Everyone ASAP!
The purpose of prospecting in network marketing is NOT to convince people.
When your mindset is to hope everyone will join or be a customer, that will only lead to nervousness and the fear of rejection.
You also become salesy and talk to much and annoy all your contacts.
Your job is to use a proven network marketing invitation message and simply let people know about your business and to collect a decision.
It's like if you opened a new sushi restaurant and you tell all your friends about it.
You would tell everyone even if they don't like sushi because they may tell their friends about it or they may come at a later time.
Setting the Stage for Future Follow Ups
95% of the people you send out the network marketing invitation message to will NOT join.
The timing just isn't right for them.
Prospecting in network marketing is about timing and finding the right person at the right time.
When you simply let them know and collect a decision, it makes network marketing follow up easier and increases the chances someone will join or buy when the timing is right for them.
How to Get Rid of Nervousness and Fear of Prospecting in MLM
Another benefit to just letting them know is that you won't be nervous anymore!
What makes us nervous when we talk to prospects is when we “hope” they will join our business because it puts TREMENDOUS PRESSURE on you.
Having this attitude increases our fear of rejection and makes us start thinking about “what words should I say” or “how do I start the conversation”, etc.
We no longer become natural.
We become stiff and sound like robots.
And it's our fear of not knowing what to say or afraid the prospect will say no that makes us get nervous.
But if you had nothing on the line and don't care whether they join or not, things will become natural and we just go out and casually let others know we are in business.
That is easy.
It's easy cause we already do that everyday in our conversations.
So just let them know you are in business with no hidden agendas and your prospecting will become MUCH easier and you won't be nervous.
Summary: Difference Between Convincing Versus Collecting a Decision
GOAL: Try to Convince Everyone | GOAL: Just Let People Know |
You become emotionally attached to result | You focus on the activity and not the result |
You get nervous because you're afraid they will say “No” | You don't care what they say because your goal is to just let them know |
You get discouraged easily when most people say “No” | You stay emotionally consistent |
Fear of Rejection will stop you from being consistent | You stay consistent with your MLM recruiting activities because there is no rejection |
You will prejudge prospects and not let everyone know about your business | You talk to everyone because your job is to simply collect a decision |
You become salesy, pushy and annoying | You approach people in professional way with a proven invite script |
You lose your friends | Your friends respect you |
Makes network marketing follow ups difficult | Makes it easy for future follow ups |
Mistake 2: Only Contact Friends and Family when Prospecting in MLM
Another big mistake when prospecting in network marketing is prejudging people and only inviting your close friends and family and not sending the network marketing invitation script to everyone.
Here are reasons why this is huge MLM prospecting mistake
1 ) Close Friends and Family are Often the Toughest People to Recruit
These people know you very well and remember all the times you failed or didn't do something well and it's hard to convince them that this time is different.
For example, when I started my MLM business in 2003, it was extremely difficult to prospect my close friends because they all remembered how I wasn't a serious student back in college and would play video games all the time.
It's hard for our close friends and family to take us serious.
2 ) Family Are Often the Most Negative
Our family members love us but often are the most negative people to approach in network marketing prospecting.
Some may have good intentions but they often all accidentally shoot down our dreams and discourage us during the MLM recruiting process.
3 ) Your Future Super is Rarely Your Close Friend or Family
Research and success stories from top leaders all show that your top superstar leader is rarely a person that is a close friend or family member.
Top Leaders Are Usually Found From:
1 ) An acquaintance you don't know that well
2 ) A referral from someone you know
Everyone of my top leaders in my 7 figure network marketing business were acquaintances or from cold market.
4 ) Our Key Relationships in Life Usually Come From Acquaintances
It may seem odd but if you think of relationship in other areas of your life, this is more or less the norm.
If you are married or are in a relationship, chances are, your spouse was NOT a childhood friend that you grew up with.
It is most likely someone that you met from someone else or someone you met randomly.
But it is NOT someone you had known for years growing up.
And the same applies to prospecting in network marketing.
Mistake 3: Only Inviting People “You Think” Will Be Interested
This is the most common form of prejudging people in MLM prospecting.
You only send network marketing invitation script to only people who you think will be interested or to only your ideal prospect.
In my 23 + years in the profession
I have discovered that most people who you “think will do the business” generally don’t do it and the ones that you “never thought would be interested” end up joining you.
So NEVER Prejudge your prospects!
You have to contact everyone.
Examples of Prejudging when Prospecting in MLM
1 ) This person loves their job and isn't business minded
The fact is you never know.
There was a point in your life that you would never have been interested but then things changed for you.
2 ) Person makes tons of money and don't need it
They may look like they're doing well but they may have financial issues, debt or other money issues that you're not aware of.
3 ) They're not may target market
Having a target audience is good for social media content but doesn't mean you should not reach out to everyone!
For example, your Auntie Grace is someone who you can't relate to and you least expect to be interested… but may lead you to your ideal prospect! You'll never be able to recruit them if you didn't let Auntie Grace know.
4 ) Their social media profiles isn't good
Just because they're not active on social media or don't post any good content on social media doesn't mean they're not good prospects nor successful!
Many successful people like doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, etc. rarely post on social media and you can't tell what they actually do.
So the boring profile without any good pictures may actually be a person that could be a top leader in your business!
So make sure you send the invitation script to everyone!
The only exception to this rule is if someone posts hate, racism or demonstrates values that go against my beliefs. I would avoid that person.
Don't Make The Decision for Others!
Remember Mistake #1 (see above) that your job is not to convince. It's simply to send out the invitation script and collect a decision.
Use the invitation script and have them make the decision.
You have no right to make that decision for others!
Mistake 4: Talking Too Much During the Initial Approach
Remember the goal of MLM prospecting is to see whether they would be interested to learn more by using a simple network marketing invitation script.
If you don't have one, then you can use this:
Network Marketing Recruiting Script
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
If They Say “No”
Congrats! You have collected a decision and done your job so kindly thank them.
You move on and then you can use one of the network marketing follow up scripts for future follow up.
If They Say “Yes”
If they say “Yes”, then use a Tool such as a company video or you can use this 5 Part Template to Create Your Own Network Marketing Video
Don't Talk to Much and Sell The Business. Use Tools!
Don't make the mistake and talk too much otherwise you will LOSE your prospect.
People always think they have to do what you and if you start talking too much and go into sales mode, people will think they have to do what you do.
What If You're Good at Selling?!
Even if you're good at selling, don't!
Because your prospects will think they have to do the same thing.
And the reality is that most people are NOT good at “selling” and by watching you do one, they think they will have to be “good talkers” and do the same thing.
If you do a great network marketing presentation immediately, you actually created a negative perspective in your prospect's mind because they don't believe they can do the same thing and also be good at MLM recruiting.
You're going to learn more about this later or skip ahead but I want to emphasize that during the entire network marketing recruiting process, you are actually:
What You're Really Selling When Prospecting in MLM
1 ) Selling the Dream
2 ) Selling them they can Do it
If you talk too much, go into sales mode or make things complicated, you make the prospect feel they can't do it.
Mistake 5: Think You're Bothering People Because You're Asking Them To Do a Favor
Here's an important mental shift.
Network marketing prospecting is NOT about asking people to do you a favor and take a look!
People are NOT doing you a favor
It's the opposite
You are doing them a Favor!
Reason Why You're Doing Them a Favor
You have a business or product/service that can change their lives.
They should be thanking you for sharing something that is life changing!
Gets Rid of Nervousness
You'll get nervous if you are asking someone for a favor to do something.
But if your mindset is focused on helping someone, that it comes natural to send out the invitation script.
Example of Nervousness
Imagine you're busy and ask someone,
“Hey, go buy me groceries. Do me a favor. Please, please, please.”
It feels uncomfortable, right? Because in that situation, you’re asking for a favor.
Now flip it.
Imagine you’re already at the grocery store, and you say,
“Hey, I know you’re busy. Let me save you a trip and pick something you need at the grocery store. What do you need? I’ll drop it off so you can relax.”
That feels totally different. Why? Because now, you are helping them.
It’s the same with prospecting in network marketing.
When we focus on HELPING instead of ASKING for a Favor, MLM prospecting feels way easier.
Remember that we don't need to beg for people to take a look.
We're helping them.
Don't Thank Them!
Some distributors also get so happy and thank prospects when they're interested.
That's poor posture and also indicates you think your prospect is doing you a favor and increases skepticism.
If your business is soooo good, why should you need to thank them?!
It's like if you inherited a $100,000 and decided to give it to someone and you're thanking them for taking it!
They should be thanking you!
3 Doubts That Prevents Prospects from Joining You
Every person you approach in recruiting has 1 or all of these 3 main doubts and you must overcome them in order to achieve success in network marketing recruiting.
1 ) Is This For Real?
Some people worry it’s fake or that it’s a scam.
You can handle this by sharing real success stories.
Talk about others in your company who have achieved great things and the more stories you share, the more belief you build.
2 ) Can I Do This?
Many people don’t believe in themselves.
They think they’re too busy to do any network marketing recruiting activities.
Or that they don’t know enough people.
Show them examples of people just like them who made it work.
Share stories of busy moms, shy people, or total beginners who found success.
3 ) Can You Help Me?
Nobody wants to feel alone.
People need to know you and your team will guide and teach them how to prospect in network marketing.
This is why three-way calls and texts are so helpful.
They show prospects that they won’t have to do this alone.
Here is a list of 10 other factors that affects your network marketing success
and they all fall under these 3 main doubts
You can read more or this video 10 factors that affects whether you'll be successful or not in network marketing recruitment.
Video: 10 Factors that Determines Your Success with MLM Recruitment
Detailed Training on 10 Factors that Affect Your Results in Network Marketing Prospecting
#1 Is Your Network Marketing Deal For Real?
People want to know if your opportunity is legit.
Your job is to build credibility and show them the truth.
One of the easiest ways to convince people is with your Consistency
Another way is to share stories of your team from their posts on social media
or introduce them to the Game of Networking Facebook group where they can connect with other distributors outside your company
or even share inspiring stories from other leaders in our industry
And let people know about YOU!
People buy from those they know, like and trust
and also from your consistent content on social media
Your Consistency is a major factor so make sure you apply the 7 Components of Consistency System
#2 Would I Want to Recruit in Network Marketing?
Would People Want to Do Exactly What You're Doing?
The second factor that prospects consider before joining your business is whether they would be willing to do recruit for network marketing.
Even if someone likes the opportunity, they’ll hesitate if they think they can’t succeed.
Show them it’s simple by using proven scripts like the Magic Script
Explain how they can use tools like social media to grow.
Adapt your approach to fit their lifestyle.
Emphasize the support you and the team will provide.
When they believe they can succeed, they’re more likely to say yes.
#3: Can I Do Network Marketing In Five Minutes?
Make the Recruiting Process Simple
Simplicity is key
Let them know that many busy people become successful by applying time management tips that help them build in the small pockets of time during the day
Highlight how they can make progress in minutes.
When it’s easy to start, enthusiasm follows.
#4 Do I Have The Time?
People Don't Believe They Have the Time to Recruit in Network Marketing
Time is a big concern for people.
Show how your business can fit into their schedule.
Emphasize the flexibility of working at their own pace.
Provide tips for effective time management.
This will help convince them to join.
#5 Can I Get Leverage?
Make People Believe They Can Build a Team
Leverage is critical for long-term success.
Explain how network marketing duplication work and building a team multiplies efforts.
Share how team depth creates sustainable growth.
Provide training on leadership and team-building skills.
When they understand leverage, they’ll see the potential.
#6 Can I Build In Long Distance?
Let Them Know They Can Recruit in Network Marketing and Go Global
Many prospects wonder if they can go global.
Show them how virtual tools like Zoom and webinars make it possible.
Show them how technology removes location barriers.
Talk about the potential for international growth.
When they see no limits, they’ll be inspired.
#7 Can a Dud Sponsor a Stud?
They Must Believe They Can Bring People Smarter and Better than Them
Show them that anyone can recruit in network marketing with the MLM training you provide.
Even beginners can build strong teams.
Show how anyone can bring in talented people when they recruit in network marketing.
Share strategies for leveraging personal networks.
Focus on teamwork and the value of your products.
When they believe they can lead, they’ll step up.
#8 Can I Make Residual Income?
Get Them to See They Can Get Paid Without Working
Passive income gets people excited.
Explain how they can earn even while they eventually do not recruit in network marketing and step away from the MLM business.
Show the power of building a strong, active team.
Highlight financial freedom through residual income.
When they see the possibilities, they’ll be motivated.
#9 Is Network Marketing Worth It?
Get Them to See the Endless Possibilities and Exciting Future Ahead
People need to feel their effort to recruit in network marketing is worth it.
Share the long-term benefits of network marketing.
Talk about personal growth and financial freedom.
Provide real-life success stories to inspire them.
When they see the value, they’ll take the leap.
#10 Will I Get Help?
Let them Know They Will Get Help When they Recruit in Network Marketing
Support makes all the difference.
Show them the training and resources you provide.
Let them know you’ll be there to guide them.
Share examples of how your team works together to succeed.
When they feel supported, confidence grows.
Once you are aware of these 3 doubts and 10 common factor, you'll have more success when you recruit in network marketing.
Important Rules to Network Marketing Prospecting
Here are some other important prospecting principles.
If you remember these principles you don't have to worry as much about the exact words to say.
Think Like Your Prospect
You must put yourself in your prospect’s shoes and see things in their perspective
Just like…
If you want to fish better, you have to think like a fish so that you can use a better bait!
Prospecting Principles
Here are important rules to remember
1) Don’t be Desperate
The more desperate you are, the more people think less of you and don't want involvement.
2) Don’t be Needy
If you're needy, you'll become desperate.
The more you chase someone, the more they will run away.
It's similar to the dating game.
The more a boy chases a girl, the more the girl plays hard to get!
3) Using the Correct Posture
You don't need them but they need you.
You are unique. There is only ONE and only you but there are hundreds of millions of people you can talk to.
4) Push Your Prospects Away to Get Them to Come To You
The fear of loss (FOMO) is the biggest motivator.
The more you don't let them have it, they more they will come.
5) Embrace the “No”
A “No” is fine because the purpose of prospecting is to collect a decision.
Embrace the “No” because they will allow you to move on.
The “No” won't hurt you, it's the “maybe's” that keep you up and will prevent you from staying focused on the income producing activities
Video: Psychology of Prospecting in Network Marketing
But what if you new or don't have results yet?
How to Prospect in Network Marketing When You're Struggling
Most people struggle to get people to join because they don't realize the real reason why people buy and join you.
Your CONFIDENCE is what will convince people
and we all need to be like this little dog here 🙂
But how can you stay confident when you're new or struggling?!
Here are some fundamental principles that’ll help you recruit even if you never had success
1 ) You’re the Messenger and not the Message
2 ) Your “Lack” of Success doesn’t mean your Prospect will also be like you
3 ) You’re ALREADY More Successful than your Prospect
The video below will teach you how to prospect in network marketing if you're struggling.
A lot of people think they need to have previous results before they
That’s not true.
You don’t need to hit big goals first.
You don’t need to be a top earner.
And you don’t need a long list of results.
What you need is belief.
Belief in your business, what you’re offering and belief in the dream you’re sharing.
Even the biggest entrepreneurs started with just an idea.
Big entrepreneurs like Elon Musk never had any experience in the auto industry but started Tesla.
He had a vision and got others excited about the vision
Here's another example,
Jeff Bezos didn't have success with online stores before he built Amazon and convinced people to invest in his company. (in fact, Amazon lost millions before they turned a profit) but people believed in his dream and vision.
Other examples are the top leaders in your company.
They didn't have success when they first joined but they were confident in selling the Dream even when they had no one on their team.
You can do the same.
You don't need success to start selling people a Dream.
If you believe in what you’re building, others will too.
How to Recruit People with the 3 C's
One of the keys to being good at MLM recruitment, and especially if you're new or struggling is to sell the “3 C's,”
Sell people your
- Change
- Commitment
- Consistency
Sell How You've Changed
Show them how this business is changing you.
Maybe you’re more confident now or you’re learning new skills.
You’ve made new friends and feel more positive about your future.
People notice when you change, see your growth and this makes them believe they can grow too.
Once this happens, prospecting in network marketing becomes way easier when people feel they can experience what you've gone though.
Sell Your Commitment
Commitment is about showing up every day prospecting in network marketing.
Even when it’s hard.
Even when you don’t feel like it.
When people see your dedication, they’ll trust you and believe the Dream is real
And that will make them want to follow you.
Sell Your Consistency
Consistency is what separates the winners from the quitters.
It’s about doing the right things over and over again.
Even if you don’t see results right away.
When people see you being consistent, it builds trust.
And that trust makes them want to join your network marketing team.
5 Daily Activities for Network Marketing Recruiting Success
If you're not sure exactly what activities to spend time when it comes to prospecting in network marketing,
here is your list of income producing activities you must do everyday
It's called THE DMO (Daily Method of Operation)
3️⃣ → Post 3 Times on Social Media
5️⃣ → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day
5️⃣ → Invite 5 People to Look at Your Business
5️⃣ → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To
3️⃣ → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
That’s your network marketing recruiting checklist 📝✅ of what needs to be done to be a top MLM recruiter
Make sure you your Free DMO Cheat Sheet that you can print out so you don't forget these activities
How to Be a Good Recruiter
Network marketing recruiting gets easier and more fun when you invest in personal development.
The More You Grow, The Easier MLM Recruiting Gets
The more you grow, the more people you’ll attract.
It’s that simple.
Think about it.
Who do you like to follow?
It’s probably people who inspire you.
People who are ahead of you in life.
If you want others to follow you, you need to become someone worth following.
So invest in yourself.
Read the Top 10 Network Marketing books
Take courses
Listen to leaders share their secrets
and most importantly,
work on your mindset
The more you grow, the easier recruiting becomes.
Post Consistently On Social Media
You need to get people to feel they know you, like you and trust you and that's why posting consistent value on social media is so important
What you post on social media will increase your success in network marketing recruitment especially if you post things of value.
People will become less skeptical and trust you more when you share your dream.
Building Your Self Belief
Network marketing recruiting is simple but not easy.
It's easy to get down and think you're a failure when you struggle.
But once you feel this way, it's going to be difficult for you to achieve any network marketing success because your enthusiasm and excitement in the Dream is gone
and people will see that and no longer trust what you have is real.
Here's a video on how to be a good recruiter that will help you increase your belief in yourself.
Network Marketing Recruiting is About Sorting
Here’s the truth.
Not everyone will say yes.
80% of the people you approach will say “No”
Prospecting in network marketing is about timing
Finding the right person at the right time
That's why you must always stay consistent
You can always do 2 things
1 ) Use the CLAM Formula to find new people online
2 ) Use proven followup scripts
But you got to keep going.
Show up everyday and do the work.
Share your excitement about the dream even if you don’t have big results yet because your consistency will inspire others.
And when they see you sticking with it, they’ll believe you and join you.
How to Recruit Gen Z and Get Them Interested
Eric Worre recently talked about how Gen Z (those under 30) are the fastest growing demographic in network marketing
This generation have seen their parents and grandparents struggle and are more open to opportunities
So how do you attract them especially when you're much older?!
Here are a few tips to building a younger team
1 ) Get to know Gen Z and what their Problems and Struggles
What keeps them up at night?
What are the 3 biggest things that stress them out?
What motivates them?
What are they NOT into?
What are things they feel are messed up and needs to change?
No one cares about what you have until you care about them first.
If you don't know the answers to these questions, you can simply spend some time researching online
2 ) Where do Gen Z hang out?
You need to go to where they're at so you need to know:
What social media platforms do they use the most?
Where do they hang out?
3 ) Use Social Media to Provide Solutions and Tips to Help Them with Their Problems
You always get paid for the value you give
Find ways to talk about things that will help Gen Z
This can be as simple as creating Tiktok videos that they like
4 ) Find a Person that Can Connect You
Often the key to connecting with someone younger is to be friends with a Gen Z that will introduce you to their friends.
One of the top leaders that I know was in her 60s and could not connect w these “kids” that were 25 and under.
She got her youngest son, who was in his late 20s to go meet these kids and they connected immediately.
Her son was able to signup one kid and that kid ended up indirectly bringing in a team of over 5,000 people once the trust was built
How to Convince People Who Are Not Interested in MLM
Are you tired of dealing with people who have ZERO interest?
No matter what you do nor say, they never do anything!
The SMART way to handle close minded people is NOT to waste your valuable time to convince them.
It's a lose lose situation
You Are In the Sorting Business
The purpose of your Contact List is NOT to convince people.
Your goal is to GET THEM OFF the List.
Remember…The “Yes” is great!
and the “NO’s” won’t kill your business
but the ones who you never hear from will or constantly give you negative energy will!
Do you have a negative prospect that drives you nuts?!
Stop Talking to Negative Prospects!
Selling is about sorting
and finding the right person at the right time
→ so Stop wasting your time on people who don’t want it now
The timing isn’t right for them
→ But eventually every person will buy, join or give you a referral.
Don’t convince your prospects.
→ Outlast them with your Consistency
so when the timing is right, they will reach out to you or you can follow up with them every 6 months
But don't waste time with them now.
Here's why…
1 ) No matter what you say, these people will never join.
They will never let you “win the fight” and agree you're right and they're wrong
2 ) They suck up your time and energy
You're not going to be motivated to continue to reach out to new people and work on your income producing activities
3 ) You miss out on opportunities to find the good people
There is a time to convince though and it's only after someone has attended a presentation.
but if someone is not interested immediately from the start, it's best to move on.
This MLM training video will explain more in detail
Remember that your MOST valuable asset is TIME!
Don't waste time to convince prospects!
And that TIME needs to be spent on the income producing activities and finding the people that want it.
How to Be Shy and Still Become Successful in Network Marketing
If you're shy and get scared to prospect, here are 5 tips to help you:
1 ) Focus On Helping Others Instead of Yourself
You create fear when you think of what others will think of you
Shift the focus on helping OTHERS instead of yourself!
Stop letting your ego and pride stop you from helping someone that needs it
2 ) Focus on Collecting a Decision Instead of Making a Sale
We talked in the beginning of this guide that the 1st big mistake that network marketing distributors make in prospecting is they approach their contact list with the goal to sponsor everyone.
A proper Invite is NOT to convince everyone you know to join your business.
Such unrealistic expectations only lead to disappointment and also makes you annoying and too salesly to your contacts.
It makes you nervous, desperate and it turns off your prospects.
Your goal should be to simply let them know about your business
It's NOT to convince them nor make a sale
You're out there to collect decisions
3 ) You Can Turn It “On” and “Off”
I'm shy and introverted as well.
What I've learned is that you can be shy and still be successful.
It's just a matter of turning things “on” and “off”
You have a switch
that you can “turn on” and be outgoing when you prospect
and then you can “turn it back off” after you're done with prospecting
4 ) Increase Your Belief In Your Products and Company
If you really believe that you're helping someone
then you won't let shyness hold you back.
If your neighbor's backyard was on fire,
would you let your shyness prevent you from knocking the door and telling your. neighbor?
5 ) Apply the 10 Steps to The Rejection Killer
A major source of fear comes from your fear of rejection
You can use the 10 Steps to the Rejection Killer to help you stay consistent
Step 1: They’re Not Rejection You
Step 2: Change Your Mindset About Who Loses
Step 3: Change Your Self Talk
Step 4: They are NOT Doing You a Favor
Step 5: Visualize Success Before You Reach Out
Step 6: Talk to As Many People As Possible
Step 7: You Get Paid for Every “No”
Step 8: Track Your Numbers
Step 9: Meet New Contacts All The Time
Step 10: Play the 10% Game
Here's the detailed training on how to overcome network marketing rejection
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio